Waltrought HM AWL

Jumat, 18 November 2011



!! SORRY…I'm not good in English!!
!! This is my first time submit this. Actually I write it in .doc (word 
office), but this web require to .txt form, and i'm not accustomed to use this 
program (notepad), so I'm sorry if this walkthrough/depth FAQS a little bit in 
disorder form.

I made this with all my love for all Harvest moon lovers who have same problem 
with me. Longing for complete events (which have been reveal, by us, of 
course, not spoiler from Natsume, 505 street etc). So don't protest me if you 
think it haven't complete enough, but I wait for some information about 'new 
event' happily. Please send it to my email: laragadingspears@yahoo.com and 
don't forget to write Harvest Moon, HMAWL, or whatever in the subject, as long 
as it identify as this game (coz I accustomed to ignore and directly delete 
every unrecognized email). For hotgame-online community (indonesian), you can 
discuss it in there.

The exact requirements only "the game" knows. It makes any difficulty to find 
this. So much requirements, such as right time, right place, right level of 
friendship and other requirements that only "the game" knows. All data here is 
just the prediction.

This hint made by gathering all information about events in Harvest Moon A 
Wonderful Life (SE). I gather it, mix it, probe it, prove it, and renew it. 
Wahahaha… Although, not all events can be proved. So please read the sign 
direction before you want to use it. Thanks for all gamers who have made 
walkthroughs, faqs, hints, guides and forum where be the place to discuss all 
the problems created by Natsume. 

M   MEANS:  I my own self found it (means, I never read it before in any forum 
or walkthrough, doesn't mean I invite       this. Hey, it's not a science, 
isn't it?)
$   MEANS:  I read it from walkthrough or forum, and I have proved it.
&   MEANS: I read it from walkthrough or forum, and I haven't proved it, but 
based on the quantity it is discussed, it       may true. If I can't prove it, 
maybe because I'm in unlucky day.
>   MEANS: I read it from walkthrough or forum, and I haven't prove it, but 
based on the quantity it is discussed, it may    just a rumour. You can ignore 
it. But I longing for information and detail of where, when it may trigger 
from those       who have prove it (just tell me how you find it, like what I 
did in this hint) and how is the story, as complete as       possible.
"   It's not event or cut scene (which can be known by the changes of the back 
sound music), but better put in these    hints.

1. Add:  "The Goddess?" in Sprites's event.
    "Shipping or Not Shipping" in Takakura's event.
    "Unuseful Fertilizer" in Bug's event.
    "Get Promotion" in Grant's event.
    "Power Source 3" in Darryl's event.
   Edit: Complete Lumina's event 'Beach of Love'. Thanx for Michael A in 
hotgame forum.
    Edit Murrey's event "Going Home"
    Edit Takakura's event "How to Shipping"
    Edit Darryl's event "Power Source 1 and 2"
    Edit Wally's event "Free Gold Medal"
    Edit Carter's event "I love You"
    Edit Griffin's event "Guitar Player Concert"
    Edit Child's event "New Helper" and "Fall in Love?"
    Recheck any grammar (no need to mention which are)


I qualified people depend on where they live (except girls)
Time here means ordinary/common days, not day 3 or 8



$   First encounter
Trigger: 1 red heart, exit your house at noon (around 4 PM). Some people say 
it starting on the 3rd of 1st spring after 11.30
Scene: When you exit your house, Takakura will come to you and say that he 
wants to talk about shipping, but your dog is barking. You'll see your dog try 
to attack Muffy, and then you'll rush to rescue her. Some people say to 
choose "are you hurt?" I choose it too, but not know what happen if choose 

$   Breaking Dish
Trigger: 2 red hearts, evening, go into Blue Bar
Scene: When you reach the doorknob, Muffy will get out and says she angry 
because she broke the dish. If you choose to listen to her, she'll be happy.

>   Whom you want to meet?
Trigger: Enter her room when she's inside.
Scene: She'll ask whether you want to see him or Griffin, choose 1st option. 
Note: I think maybe it just common conversation that have question in it.

$   Friend's Wedding
Trigger: 3 red hearts. Exit your house at noon
Scene: When you exit your house, you'll find Muffy outside. She has just been 
to a wedding of her friend in the city. Her friends have been making fun with 
her and mocking of her working at the bar. Muffy will think she want to back 
to the city and asks what you think she belongs. If you say she belongs here, 
she'll happy.

$   One nite, pliz?
Trigger: 4 red hearts. Go to bed at 6-8 pm. It means you have to 
choose "sleep".
Scene: Muffy will knock on your door and ask if she can stay at your house 
that night (woooo hoooo) because she thought there's someone followed her all 
day. If you permit her, then Griffin and other (I forget) will come and take 
Muffy home. It tells that the stalker is Griffin. Then Muffy will go home with 
them and thanks to you.

&   Dating
Trigger: 4 red hearts. Go into Blue Bar at noon
Scene: You will end up in the room where Muffy and Griffin live. Muffy will 
say she's bored, as there has been no customer in bar today. You will have an 
option to take Muffy on a date. If you decide to go dating, she'll agree. When 
you and Muffy get back, she says she had fun.

$   Marriage
Trigger: 4 hearts, blue feather
Scene: When you propose her, she'll take you to her room and very touched 
because you choose her of all girls. Actually, really, I think the girl who 
really suffers if you don't choose is Muffy. It related to scenes below ("I'm 
really on to you!!" and "the bridge").

M   I'm really on to you!!
Trigger: 4 Hearts. It trigger at the same day with when you propose another 
girl. As you want to enter your home at night.
Scene: She's disappointed to you and says that she serious to you. And she'll 
go with crying. Your face looks like really guilty. Really, me too.

M   The Bridge 1
Trigger: 3-4 hearts, exit your farm (via path next to Takakura's house) at 
noon (12am-1pm, I think). Not marry her, and I think 1 year after your 
Scene: you'll see her in the bridge and she'll tell you about her broken 
heart. She falls in love with man who has married. 

M   The Bridge 2
Trigger: exit your farm (via path next to Takakura's house) at noon (12am-1pm, 
I think), after trigger 'the bridge 1', next year from 'the bridge 1'. Not 
marry her.
Scene: you'll see her in the bridge and she'll tell you about her broken 
heart. She falls in love with man whom younger than her.

M   The Bridge 3
Trigger: exit your farm (via path next to Takakura's house) at noon (12am-1pm, 
I think), after trigger 'the bridge 2', next year from 'the bridge 2'. Not 
marry her. I my self trigger it at chapter 5 spring 1.08 pm, and then after 
that I rush to Blue Bar and I get cut scene again ('not good wife?').
Scene: you'll see her in the bridge and she'll tell you about her broken 
heart. She falls in love with man older that liked thing as they were. Then 
Griffin comes

M   Not good wife?
Trigger: Not sure, I think if you don't marry her, chapter 5, in Blue bar when 
only Muffy and Griffin inside (1-2PM), for exact, look at 'The Bridge 3'. I 
get it at 01.18 pm, chapter 5 Spring.
Scene: When you enter, Griffin says that you shouldn't go here since you have 
wife waiting in your home. Muffy then interrupt that it is okay because she's 
there to be the one you'll visit. Realize it's not proper sentences then she 
gets nervous. Muffy will go to inn to take your favorite, which they are out 
of. Then you and Griffin will chat, Griffin says Muffy isn't good girl to be 
wife but she's good to be friend while drinking because she's cheerful. Not 
long, Muffy is back because she forgot her purse.

&    Not young anymore
Trigger: Chapter 5. Not marry Muffy. Go into bar when only Muffy and Griffin 
Scene: It's hard for Muffy to accept the fact that she's not young anymore and 
she hasn't married yet. Griffin says something to Muffy and it cuts Muffy so 
deeply. Then she makes up an excuse for leaving and rushes out of the bar. 
Outside, Muffy is mumbling and managing her self to calm down before re-
entering. She apologizes for reacting so severely.

$   Farm Life
Trigger: 1 red heart, when Celia is outside house, go into Vesta's house and 
go outside. (About 2pm)
Scene: you'll reach her and she'll ask you whether you like working in farm or 
not. If you say it doesn't bother you, Celia will go back to working on the 
plants. She thinks that plants give her strength and asks if you think she's 
acting like a kid or not. Choose no.

$   Shopping Trip
Trigger: 2-3 hearts, go into Vesta's house when Celia inside, but Vesta and 
Marlin must be in the storage room    (building next to house). I think it's 
about 08.18-10.47
Scene: when you want to knock on the door, Celia will come out and says that 
weather is nice then asks you to go out with her. Then Marlyn will come out 
from storage room and forbid you walk with her cause Celia must go shopping. 
Then Celia remember that she must go shopping and if you offer to go with her, 
Marlyn will says you can't and mock that you come to this village just for 
women. Celia gets angry, and tells Marlyn off. Vesta will come out to see what 
all the commotion is, Marlyn says that it's you who holding her up from 
shopping. Celia gets annoyed once more and says to Vesta that it's not your 
fault. If you apologize, Celia will ask you to walk with her on the path into 
the town.

$   Silent Spring
Trigger: 2-3 hearts,come out of your house around 12 am(midday),some say if 
there's animal in grass field(pastured).
Scene: Celia looking at your farm and asks you to walk out to the spring, 
you'll follow her. Celia will tell you to be silent, if you agree; she'll say 
it's relaxing.

$   Getting Married?
Trigger: 3-4 hearts, go into Vesta's house when Celia inside.
Scene: Celia will come at once you want to knock, and asks you to go to the 
spring with her. If you choose to go,then you and Celia will be in the spring, 
then Celia says that something troubled her. Listen to her(choose 'tell me')
and she'll say that Vesta thinks that Celia should carry on ahead with the 
arranged marriage. She now must meet her future husband, but she doesn't want 
to meet or marry him. Choose 'don't knock', means she should break the 

&   The Decision
Trigger: 3-4 hearts, enter Vesta's house when Vesta, Marlyn and Celia inside 
(next to stairs, and you choose opposite of 'don't knock' in 'getting married' 
events for exactly, I think)
Scene: When you go inside, you'll see Marlyn telling Celia off for choosing to 
meet her future husband without telling him. Vesta says that it has nothing to 
do with him, but he carries on and says he wants the final decision,will she 
marry this guy or not. Vesta tells Marlyn to shut up. Then they notice that 
you're there and please you to come in. if you choose 'you didn't hear 
anything', Vesta will tell you that Celia met her future husband and Celia 
tells if that man is nice. But then Celia looks at you and says that she needs 
to think more. 

&   True Love
Trigger: 4 hearts. See the above cut scene, go out of your home at 6 pm, some 
say 6 am. 
Scene: when you exit to your house, you'll see Vesta and Takakura talking. 
Vesta can't find Celia and then Marlyn joins and says he cant find Celia 
either. Marlin goes home in case Celia goes home. And then you help searching 
but you can't find either. When you go back home, Celia is in your house, 
talking with your dog. She says that she broke the engagement because she 
loves you. If you tell that you love her as well, she'll be happy and go home.

$   Marriage
Trigger: 4 hearts, give her blue feather.
Scene: Propose her and you two will go to the springs and Celia tells you that 
she is happy and remember of her father.

$   Force to be married
Trigger: Celia must have most red love than other girls and you haven't 
proposed her until end of year 1.
Scene: Celia will knock on your house and says that Vesta asks her to be 
married. If you choose to propose her,she'll be happy, but if you don't want 
to marry, it'll be game over.

&    Woman change over time 1
Trigger: Fall or winter chapter 5. Not marry Celia. Be very good friend with 
Marlyn (means he has give    you record).
Exit Vesta's house when Marlyn is inside the storage room. 
Scene: Marlyn will exit and invite you for a drink over Takakura's house. 
Cellia who just exits the house in time,hears Marlyn says that and suddenly 
gets thrown in a bad mood. Then she demands that Marlyn pick some carrots for 
the dish she's cooking. Cellia will then ramble to you about how men only 
think of themselves and their own fun and neglect their work,no matter how 
well or hard they worked when they were younger. She will then go back inside 
before Marlyn brings her the carrots. When Marlyn comes back with the carrots, 
he tells you that having a drink today is impossible. He'll also comment on 
how Celia has been acting just like Vesta lately. Marlyn will invite you to 
Takakura's house for adrink around 9 pm

&    Woman change over time 2
Trigger: Exit your house around 6-9 pm a day or two after 'Woman change over 
time 1' event.
Scene: You'll see Marlyn and Takakura talking outside Takakura's house and 
Marlyn will invite you to come in for a drink. Once inside, Marlyn will say 
that when they are young, women are willing to listen to men and do as they're 
told. But when they get older, it's the other way around. He'll ask about your 
wife, has she changed like that or not. If you tell Marlyn that your wife has 
not changed and still wonderful, Takakura will then speak up with his own 
thoughts on the matter.

$   First encounter
Trigger: 1 red heart, come out from your house about noon-ish
Scene: When you come out your house, Nami is standing in your farm. If you 
choose 'whatever you say', she'll look around your farm.

&   Bar chat
Trigger: 2 hearts, go to the bar when only Muffy, Nami and Griffin inside (to 
know exact time without wasting  time,I accustomed to do a survey before 
really play it. I follow Nami all day to find the time, and load the game). 
Have money to pay drink in bar. Maybe it around 3-4 pm
Scene: when you go in, choose 1st option Nami will let you sit (I think it 
is 'stand') next to her. Now choose 2nd option and you'll tell Nami why you 
come to this village. Then Nami will asks if Farm is making any cash, if you 
say you're not keeping track, she will then chuckle and leave the bar. Nami 
forgot to pay her drink. If you say you'll pay it, Muffy will say that you're 
nice person.

&   Nami's gone
Trigger: 3 hearts. Go into your house about 8 am. 
Scene: Tim and Ruby will come on your door and ask you if you have seen Nami 
today. Then they tell that Nami may left this village and asks you to keep an 
eye open for Nami. If you offer them to looking for, then you, Tim and Ruby 
will set off to look for her. When you three get back, Nami comes to you and 
asks about food. Tim asks Nami about the money. Nami turns away. Tim tells 
ruby to go and make lunch. Tim and Ruby then back to inn. Nami turns to you 
and tell that she's all right then go back to inn.

&   Nami's letter
Trigger: 4 hearts, go into the inn late night (about 10 pm), when Nami inside 
Scene: Nami will stand in front desk, and Tim will walk in. It seems that Tim 
got a phone call from Nami's father, saying that Nami should come home. Nami 
will ask Tim if she can have the letter behind the desk, as it addressed to 
her.The letter is from her family, they say that she should either get a job 
in unforgotten village or come back home. Nami asks if she can work at the 
inn, but then Tim tells her that you're there. Nami asks if she could work at 
your farm sometimes. If you say yes, she'll be happy.

&   Out of money
Trigger: 4 hearts. Go to inn at late night in the winter.
Scene: when you enter inn, Tim will ask you why you're here. Say that you want 
to see Nami and he'll be happy. Tim says that Nami hasn't been looking good 
lately, and she needs cheering up. Nami then downstairs, Tim calls her,but she 
ignores him and then leaves. Tim ask you to follow her and you'll find her on 
the beach, crying. Nami explains that she has runs out of money and has to 
leave the village. You can tell her that she can come live with you. This is a 
different sort of proposal, but Nami will agree anyway. 

&   Marriage
Trigger: 4 hearts, propose her.
Scene: when you give Nami the blue feather, she will ask what it is for and 
then ponders over whether or not to accept. Tell her that you want to marry 
her and you will be in her room and Nami decides to marry you. If you trigger 
events 'out of money', Nami will automatically take the feather.

$   Nami's back
Trigger: not marry Nami, enter bar at evening-night, after Patrick comes in, 
at chapter 2 or 3.
Scene: Cody and Patrick (or Kassey?) will come and tell that he feels lonely 
after Nami gone. Then Carter come   and says that she just look Nami on the 
way here. And then there's option to choose whether chase her or not. If you 
chase her, Cody, Gustafa and Patrick have found Nami. Tim comes out and sees 
her and invites her to stay at the inn for her stay. She asks you if she 
should stay forever, say yes and she'll be happy.

M    An admirer? Look at Cody's event

(I dont know why, but information about Lumina is not much)
&   Piano is difficult
Trigger: Chapter 1. One red heart, enter villa about 10 am (when Lumina 
practice piano, can be known by back sound music when you reach villa). And 
maybe when Rock inside.
Scene: Lumina admits that she's not having much fun with the piano anymore, 
because she feels that she's not living up to her grandmother's expectation. 
You can either tell her to keep trying to please her grandmother or that she 
should just play for fun and not mind what other say. If you tell her to 
please her grandmother, Lumina will get upset and Rock will step in and 
comfort her. If you tell her to play for fun, Rock will get upset and leave 
but Lumina will be happy.

&   Whose picture?
Trigger: After 'Piano is difficult' event, go to her room when she's there.
Scene: it's about the painting, ask about it and ask if she want to have 

>   "Music sheet
Trigger: Chapter 3. Go into her room
Scene: She'll give you music sheet; show it to Gustafa and Griffin. (Note: I 
really not advice you believe it,because I think music sheet just given by 
Romana. But just tell me if you have proved it).

>   Dinner
Trigger: Enter villa about 7pm
Scene: dinner together?

>   Beach of Love
Trigger: in fall, come into Lumina's room and then go out.Some people say come 
into villa and come out.
Scene: Lumina will ask you to go to the beach with her and starting to talk 
about love. then, Sebastian will come and call her.


$   Wake up earlier 1
Trigger: in the same room when your wife starting wake up (6 am I think), 
chapter 2. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Your wife will start wake up and say that you wake up really early, and 
then she asks your child to wake up too.

$   Wake up earlier 2 
Trigger: in the same room when your wife is about starting wake up. Chapter 3 
and up. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Same as Wake up earlier 1. The difference is there's no scene where 
your wife wakes your child up, since your child has grown up and has separated 

M   Where are you?
Trigger: chapter 2. When you bring your child out home and it has been about 
his/her sleeping-time (9pm). Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Celia confused because her child's not home. Then Celia will call you 

>   Peeking
Trigger: Go to back room at 6 or 9 pm. When she goes over to the stove or 
fridge, open the shower door. I'm not suggesting this event, ok? But please 
tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete information, of course.
Event: Your wife will interrupt you if she can go bath first. When she's 
inside, open the door and you can see she's bathing, still using her dress, of 

Child:    it may means if your child is a boy, not girl, because I choose 
daughter and I'm sick longing for this events (& sign) but can't find it, but 
it just my thought, but I get event with $ sign event while my child is girl)
$   Treasure 
Trigger: Chapter 3, enter your child's room when he/she is in and haven't 
sleep yet (about 9 pm). Better in beginning chapter 3. 
Scene: you'll ask what the wooden box in there is and he/she answer that that 
is his/her treasure found in the beach and ask me vow not open it until he/she 
grew up. There are 3 options (I bet it's empty; Let's open it now or Maybe 
something else inside). I choose 'let's open it now' and he/she gets emotional 
and asks me not to collide with his/her rule.

&   Bath Time
Trigger: Chapter 2. Befriend (not proper word, maybe have close relation with 
your child, keep giving gift) and maybe need to have really really close 
relationship with your child. Enter kitchen around 6 pm. Note: I didn't get 
this event, maybe because my child is daughter. Dunno.
Scene: you, you wife (except Nami) and your kid will take a bath together.

&   Do not enter
Trigger: Chapter 4. Try to enter your child's room at night when he/she is 
there and hasn't sleep yet (after 9 pm i think)
Scene: Daachan (teddy bear you bought from Van) is up and moving while your 
child is resting on the floor. Daachan will suddenly sit down and your child 
gets up and orders you to go out of the room.

M   New Helper
Trigger: Chapter 5 and up, wake up after your kid wakes up or after 7 a.m 
(both in your bedroom or main room. I don't know the exact time and what event 
will be trigger. May be it's random or depend on what time o'clock you wake 
up. Note: it can trigger many times. And i start thinking that "chatting with 
kids" event is same with this. but i still trying to prove it first.
Scene:   When I woke up about 11.30 am (I try at 12 am but it doesn't 
trigger).  My child comes in and tells that he/she has watering all the 
plants. And those really have been watered!! When I woke up about 7.30 a.m my 
child comes in and tells that he/she has feed the animals. I don't know the 
exact requirements what job will be done by her/him.

$   Fall in love?
Trigger: Summer, fall or winter Chapter 5. Enter your bedroom from your 
child's bedroom at a time when your wife isn't in your bedroom. My friend says 
if your child is daughter, it will trigger in kitchen. For daughter: Actually, 
for simple one, I get it chapter 5 Summer, 9.30 pm. It's the time when your 
daughter come home, just wait for her around that time. When she gets into the 
house, follow her into the house and rush to the kitchen. Must hurry, she's 
not long there. Actually at that time, (if your wife is Celia, I don't know if 
the others) she's in the main room, but when you reach kitchen, your wife 
(Celia) will be there.
Scene: Your son wants to discuss something important to you. He/she falls in 
love with someone and needs your advice. If you're married to Nami, she will 
come into the room while you're talking and she gives her own thought on the 
matter too.
Daughter: your daughter said to your mother that she falls in love with some 
one. Then your wife guesses if he's Hugh. You'll ask her what the matter but 
your daughter doesn't want to tell you and then run. 

&   Bath time again
Trigger: Summer, fall or winter chapter 6. Note I didn't get this event, maybe 
because my child is daughter. Dunno.
Scene: one day, your child will ask if you're going to take a bath or not. Say 
yes and he/she will offer to wash your back. Your child will remember how much 
fun he/she had when you bathed him as toddler and then gets rather 
depressed    to see how old you've gotten and how he is now bigger and 
stronger than you ever were.

&   Chatting with kids
Trigger: If your child wakes up earlier than you, chapter 6. Note: (maybe) it 
can trigger many times. From information, it can trigger even you sleep in 
main room.
Scene: Your child will say 'good morning'



Takakura    (I wanted to classify him as family, but I'm afraid you all have 
difficulty to find his name later)
$   Free Horse 
Trigger: 1st few days in summer, you must around your farm at noon (about 12 
Scene: Takakura says that he got animal with him and will give you horse for 
free. Some people say that the day you get it will affect your horse fur 
color. I get the white one.

$   Hybridize living machine
Trigger: I don't know the exact time, but may be it starts at the end of 
chapter 2, mostly in chapter 3. Go into Takakura's house when he's inside 
(best time is at night). In case, just befriend with him. 
Scene: Takakura will tell you that he gets a plant from someone and asks you 
whether to keep it or not. Choose 'yes' of course. It's very important.

M   How to shipping/get the benefit
Trigger: If in the previous day you shipped crop, seed or dairy products. 
Enter the food storage when Takakura arrives from city (about 00.30 pm). Note: 
It can trigger many times.
Scene: Takakura will explain about shipping and put the benefit in box. Means, 
you must take the profit in box by your self, not automatically into your cash.

M   Shipping or not shipping
Trigger : Go into food storage room when Takakura inside to take the product 
to be shipped. About 5.15-5.32 am. Note: It can trigger many times
Scene : When you don't have any product to be shipped, Takakura will say it's 
okay because it's sometimes happen, but when you have the product, he'll say 
that he'll be going now. 

& " 3rd generation crops shipping bin 1
Trigger: After you get the 3rd generation crops. Show it to Takakura before he 
picks up things to be shipped (I think before he goes to the city, he first 
stops at food storage). I'm not sure if it really event or just "requirement" 
for "3rd generation crops shipping bin 2" can be trigger. Not much information 
about this. Sorry.
Scene: He will say he will ask around town to see if anyone wants to buy it.

&    3rd generation crops shipping bin 2
Trigger: About three days after '3rd generation crops shipping bin 1' 
obtained. Enter food storage; I suppose it's at noon when Takakura is there 
(after he goes back from city, his first stop is food storage room)
Scene: Takakura presents a shipping bin for your third generation crops.

M    Good Bye
Trigger: If you sell an animal (let say, you write in Takakura's note at day 
1) and you wake up in the time when Takakura used to go to the city (around 
5.30 am) in the next day (day 2). Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: you'll see Takakura talk to the animals and take him to the city. It 
really makes me feel guilty after that, really. It takes 1 hour long in the 
game. So I better avoid this event by wake up late than that (or maybe early). 
Beside, I can keep my heart from being guilty. Hehehe. 

$   Get ordered items
Trigger: the day when you get items you ordered and you are around your farm. 
But lately (start chapter 4), even I run away, I'm still trapped in this 
event. It's not annoying as long as it doesn't take my time in game, but 
lately (again), I found that this event takes 1 hour long. Dunno, maybe it is 
glitch. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: You'll be shown that Takakura put your ordered items in tools room.

$   Expansion order is finish
Trigger: The day when the expansion is finish, when you wake up.
Scene: Takakura will call you and tells that the expansion you ordered is 
finish and gives some advice to use this.

M   Miscount 
Trigger: Actually it occurs because of the game's miscount. To cover it, the 
game make extra event to reduce the error. I get it when I order miracle 
potion at the last day of a chapter, and the expansion I ordered still hasn't 
finish yet (for me, it is milking room, dunno if it'll trigger if you order 
another). You still wake up at 12 pm in the last day (day 10 winter). 
Scene: When the calendar is changing, the scene will appear when Sprites will 
call you and tell that Takakura left you a note. In his note, Takakura says 
that the miracle potion has been done and your cow will pregnant soon. After 
that, there's a scene when you go outside and Takakura guess if you want to 
check the expansion, then he'll say that the expansion is finished. 

$   Open for business
Trigger: Noon (12 am), when Van about to open his shop and you're around Van's 
shop area. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Van will announce that his shop has opened.

$   Thanks for today
Trigger: Evening (6 pm), when Van going to close his shop and you're around 
Van's shop area. Actually it's just dialog box. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Van will announce that he wants to call it a day.

&   "Going diet?
Trigger: When Van coming, he will stop to the inn first. Follow him to inn. I 
think it just conduct in first time Van comes, means at day 3 chapter 1 
because until now I never find the time when Van go inside to inn before open 
the shop. I once find it, but it's in chapter 4 and the event not trigger. I 
don't know the exact requirement. May be it must raining to make Van stop in 
the inn first. Some people say it can be obtained when Van comes to the 
village on his 'not normal' selling day (means not 3 or 8). May be occurs many 
times. But I doubt if this event is really 'event', not common conversation. 
Sorry. Please tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete 
Scene: You will see Van talk to Tim about diet. Some people say that he will 
asks you question, and you should choose "congratulations".

$   Combo event in villa
Trigger: In chapter 3, day 3 or 8, go to Romana's villa when Van is there 
(counting from closed hour and how long he walks, maybe it's above 6.30 pm)
Scene: When you come in, you'll see Van begging Romana to sell a painting in 
villa to him. Romana says that the painting made by famous artist and Van 
never can buy it. Van get angry and vow that one day he'll be a rich man and 
buy it, then he leaves. After that, Lumina downstairs and says to Romana not 
to lie because she is the one who painted it. Then Sebastian comes and Lumina 
ask him for a favor. Sebastian goes out and you can choose whether to follow 
him or not. If you follow him, you'll find that Sebastian want to pick 
MukuMuku's fur for Lumina's paint brush even he must fight it.

$   Catch It 4 (look at Darryl Event)

$   Deliver Items
Trigger: When you decide to buy certain items that need to be deliver by him, 
which are Teddy Bear and Vas
Scene: Van will directly deliver the items as soon as you decide to buy it.

&    Murrey the thief 
Trigger: You must keep some foods in refrigerator at food storage. Come out 
from your house at night (some people say if enter food storage). Note: it can 
trigger many times
Scene: You catch him stealing your food from your food storage. You can either 
ask him to give him back or let him have it. If you let him take it, he'll 
give you fish

&    Going home
Trigger: If you have give him enough money for many times (He'll ask you money 
if you talk to him when he's sitting in the bridge, there's option how much 
amount money you'll give to him, about 3-6 pm but not every day). When the 
game think it's enough time and money you give, when you enter (or maybe exit) 
your house. Don't know the exact requirements. But some people say it need 2 
or 3 years later.
Scene: He'll stop at your house and tell you that he has got enough money to 
go home to Poo Poo village, his own home. Then he will give you strange item 
that he found in dig site and says that Van might buy it.

>   Being rich or being poor?
Trigger: Have 'send' Murrey to leave the village and he has come back. Don't 
know if it automatically trigger or must talk to him first.I'm not suggesting 
this event, ok? But please tell me if you have proved this. Better with 
complete information, of course.
Event: He has being rich and will give you a lot of money. Some people say 
that Murrey tells you that he has spent all the money you give to buy drink.

$   Catch It 1-4. For more detail, look at Darryl event.

"$   Free record
Trigger: Befriend with him/her. You can give more than 1 flower plus more than 
1 fish (as I remember, 3 times each, total 6 items a day, maybe). It helps to 
boost friendship since he/she just appears in winter.
Scene: If you do so, about 4th day you giving him/ her, talk to him/her and 
he/she will start to give you record (joy of fall, the most joyful song than 
others). You can get the record from him everyday and sell it for 486G. Some 
people say you can get it twice a day, but I keep trying and just can get one 
a day.

>   Injured (iguana? don't know this creature's name in English, sorry) 
Trigger: give MukuMuku fish
Scene: There's event about injured (iguana?). I'm not suggesting this event, 
but my 'believable' friend says if it's true without giving more information. 
But please tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete information, 
of course

&    Bug's warn
Trigger: If you plant crops (vegetable and root vegetable) too close to tree. 
Exit your house at night.
Scene: the bug will tell you not to plant any crops too close to the tree 
because it will make the crops wilt.

M   Unuseful Fertilizer
Trigger : When you put fertilizers too much in a crop/tree. I mean, you put a 
fertilizer and then put it again and again. The amount depends on the 
crop/tree. But it's between 1-3 fertilizers.
Scene : There's something calls you, you get confused, but you found that who 
has called you is a bug. It tells you that it is no use to put any fertilizer 
for more.

$   New unuseful creature
Trigger: Summer, only in chapter Chapter 2 and you have a pond. Still have 2 
empty places in your coop (means maximum chicken/hen is 6)
Scene: Your wife will tell you that there're ducks in the pond. Your wife will 
ask you whether want to keep them or not. Note: female duck doesn't lay eggs 
but the male one can fertilize hen's eggs to be fertilized egg. You'll never 
know which egg is duck egg (since if you examine the egg just says 'fertilized 
egg') until you hatch it and see what will be hatched. Sorry for saying it 
unuseful, I think it so because they don't lay eggs but I feel pity to sell it 
since there's only a way to get it.


$   Combo event in villa (look at Van's event)

$   Free Cat
Trigger: Befriend with her. Fall chapter 2. Wake up around 9 am. Some people 
say sleeps around 11 (don't know whether am or pm, but maybe am). I get by 
wake up at 9 am.
Scene: Romana will knocking and say that a cat come to her house and asks you 
to keep it.

$   Free watering can
Trigger: Befriend with her. Maybe after you get 3rd land and plant enough 
crops in it. Enter her room (under the stairs) when she's alone (maybe around 
11.30 am).
Scene: She tells you that she found a watering can while cleaned her house. 
Then she calls Sebastian and orders him to deliver it into your house (tool 

"$    'No one knows' Music Sheets
Trigger: Befriend with her. Chapter 3 and up. Talk to her, I think when she 
stands next to piano (or main room for generally).
Scene: She will give you music sheets

$   Combo event in villa (look at Van's event)

M   Whose picture?

Trigger: first time (I think) you enter Sebastian's room when he's inside. 
Sebastian's room is the right door. I get it at 2 pm. 
Scene: Sebastian looking at the picture and there's option what will be asked 
to Sebastian about the picture. I don't know the right option, but I 
choose 'is your mother picture?' and his reaction better than other options.

&   Try a dish
Trigger: befriend with him, enter villa at night.
Scene: when you enter villa, Sebastian asks you to taste the dish he made. 
Answer that the dish is delicious and he'll be happy. After that, Sebastian 
will start talking about Lumina who has grown up and getting prettier. He 
wonders if Lumina has a man she likes. 

M   Replace me
Trigger: I forget, but I suppose it happens in chapter 2 and you have 
befriended with him. Go to the Sebastian's room villa at night when he's in. 
But I think not only at night, but as long as he's in his room. 
Scene: Sebastian asks you to take care for Lumina and Romana if he's not in 
this world anymore.

"$   Town Spirit Record
Trigger: Befriend with him. Enter his room at night.
Scene: Talk to him and he will give you record (town spirit).


$"   Territorial Minigames
Trigger: Talk to him when he's working (sitting and grabbing round fireworks). 
Note: It can trigger many times, once in a day and per one person, means, you 
can play twice a day (challenge Patrick and Kassey)
Scene: You'll be encountered a mini game

$"    Territorial Minigame. Look at Kassey event.

$"   Free Fireworks
Trigger: Befriend with him. Chapter 3. I forget how it trigger, I mean, 
in 'event' style or just like common conversation, sorry.  I also forgot 
whether it triggers when he's working or not, but maybe when he's not working, 
because if he's working, you'll automatically encounter his mini games.
Scene: let say, talk to him and he'll give you fireworks.

$"   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend with him and WIN, I said, WIN in territorial mini games from 
Patrick. Some people say 10 times, but I get it in my 8th winning. Maybe it 
depends on the level you have befriended with. I have befriended with him long-
time and -let say- high level (I keep give him gifts even he has turn his head 
when I walk by). 
Scene: When you fulfill the requirements (only the game's program know for 
exact), you'll get record as exchange you beat him (memories 64).


$   Free Seed Maker
Trigger: After you befriend with him (can be identified by look at his head, 
whether look at you or just ignore you when you walk on by next to him). I put 
it at first place because it'll be better if you can trigger it as soon as 
possible to making amount of money, making maximum profit from your trees. Go 
into his house after 1 pm and before 5 pm (common day)
Scene: Darryl is furious that the city stole his plan. He decides to give you 
the seed maker

$   Catch it 1
Trigger: Come out from your house around 7 pm. starting in winter. I 
said 'starting cause I trigger 'catch it 4' event at spring
Scene: You'll see Darryl running past your farm towards springs. You then 
follow him and see that he want to catch MukuMuku. He talks to you about his 
mission. After that, he will be frightening of MukuMuku which suddenly come. 
He then runs away and falls down.

$   Catch it 2
Trigger: Come out from your house around 7 pm, several days after you 
trigger 'Catch it 1' event.
Scene: You'll see Darryl running past your farm towards springs. You then 
follow him and see that he want to catch MukuMuku. He talks to you about his 
mission to lure MukuMuku into his lab by food trap. Then Darryl shocked when 
he realizes that Murrey has eaten all the food.

$   Catch it 3
Trigger: Come out from your house around 7 pm, several days after you 
trigger 'Catch it 2' event.
Scene: You'll see Darryl running past your farm towards springs. You then 
follow him and see that he want to catch MukuMuku. He talks to you about his 
mission to lure MukuMuku into his lab by food trap (again). But this time he's 
a little bit careful in case Murrey comes again. But at the last second when 
he doesn't pay attention, Murrey comes again and intercepts the food from 

$   Catch It 4
Trigger: Come out from your house around 7 pm, several days after you 
trigger 'Catch it 3' event.
Scene: You'll see Darryl running past your farm towards springs. You then 
follow him and see that he want to catch MukuMuku. He talks to you about his 
mission to lure MukuMuku into his lab by food trap (again). But this time he's 
a little bit careful in case Murrey comes again. But at the last second when 
he doesn't pay attention, Murrey comes again, Van goes there too (I don't know 
what the relation is, really)

$   Cow Stealer
Trigger: Come out from your house around 7 pm. I think after all the 'catch 
it' events trigger. And I think if there's cow pastured. 
Scene: You found Darryl talk by himself about taking out your cow to be his 
experiment. You then walk to him and he gets startled and be nervous. Then he 
frightening by your cow's sound behind him.

&    Spy 
Trigger: don't know the exact, I don't get it, but some people say it trigger 
when you're digging until 5 pm (and forced to stop by Carter). Chapter 2. 
Scene: After Carter thanks to you for doing work, Flora will come up and meet 
you. You'll walk off and Carter-Flora will start chat. Then you catch Darryl 
spying on Flora and Carter from other side of stream. He gets jealous that 
Flora is cooking for Carter. When Flora spots him, he runs away and falls.

$    That's how kid acts
Trigger: Step out from your house at morning, chapter 2.
Scene: You find Darryl looking through your window and look at your children. 
He's mumbling 'so that's a baby would act'. Then he realize that you there and 
get nervous. He runs away and falls. Like always.

$    Power Source 1
Trigger: Enter his house at 1-5 pm. Before my 1st update, the requirement is 
must be sunny, but I get it when raining. My own experience, I get it at 1.00 
pm, chapter 5, day 9 Spring. 
Scene: when you walk into his house, Darryl is mumbling and laughing to him 
self about project he conducts. He realizes that you're there and asks what 
you want. The options are: "nothing" or "what are you doing". Choose the 2nd 
and he will explain that he's conducting an experiment that tries to get some 
power for the town. When he shows you the project, it blows the circuit 
breaker in his house.

$   Power Source 2
Trigger: Enter his house after 1 pm and after you trigger 'Power Source 1' 
event. It must be sunny? I get it at sunny too. My own experience, i get it at 
chapter 5, day 2 Spring. 01.43 pm.
Scene: Darryl is conducting another experiment to get energy from solar. There 
is an option to choose whether to run away or stay here. Better choose "stay 
here". It blows again the circuit breaker in his house.

M   Power Source 3
Trigger: Several days after "power source2" trigger. Enter his house between 
1.00 - 5.00 PM. In my own experiences, I get it at chapter 5 winter day 1, 
4.20 PM. I get it whet it is raining. I don't know it is a requirement or not, 
because this event related to water. But I think it's just coincident and can 
trigger in sunny.
Scene: Darryl conducts an experiment, he is studying water supply. The 
village' drinking water comes mainly from underground sources. But because 
these won't last forever, he is start to thinking to make a giant water tank 
that could store rainwater. After long explanation, Darryl wants to try his 
experiment. And then there is an option box, but you can only choose to run 
away. After that, you know the rest like usually.


$   Free sickle
Trigger: Befriend with him and enter his house when he's inside (9.20-10.30 am 
or 01.40-2.35 pm). But from my note, I my own, get it at 7.01 (forget, am or 
pm?) at day 7. Weird. Some people say it related to amount of grass that you 
have cut. Dunno.
Scene: Cody will give you red sickle.

$   Free statue
Trigger: befriend with him. Chapter 3 or beyond. Enter his house when he's 
inside. (9.20-10.30 am or 01.40-2.35 pm).
Scene: Cody will offer you statue he made. Accept it and he will deliver it to 
your home. You can choose where you want him to put in. 

>   Free painting
Trigger: befriend with him and enter his house. Chapter 3 up. I'm a little bit 
confused because of too little information. Maybe what they mean painting is 
same with statue. I'm still keeping try to get this event. But please tell me 
if you have proved this. Better with complete information, of course
Scene:  He'll give you painting (?)

>   Turtle
Trigger: After Cody gives painting. When Cody and turtle are in the swamp, use 
fishing rod. Chapter 1 only. It's really impossible.  I'm not suggesting this 
event, ok? But please tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete 
information, of course.
Scene: You'll get intermission sequence when you start to drown. Cody and 
turtle will save you. Then Cody tells you that he is the one who put scarf in 
turtle's neck. Later during the year, Cody will give you the turtle.

M    An admirer?
Trigger: Go reach to Cody' house area. Not marry Nami. For exactly from short 
way next to inn direction. In case it'll not trigger if you reach from fire 
workers direction, maybe. Chapter 4. Around 9.20, but I forget if it is 
ordinary day or Van's day, sorry.
Scene: There's Nami and she wants to talk to Cody. Nami confess that Cody look 
interesting when he's working.


$   Guitar player concert
Trigger: Go into Bar at night when Griffin, Muffy and Rock inside. Can be 
trigger when there's another person there, as long as Muffy, Rock and Griffin 
are there. I ince got Grant there, too. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: You'll see Griffin playing guitar for you, Muffy and Rock. Private 
concert, eh?

$"   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend with him. Enter Griffin's room when he's inside. Maybe 
around 10 am or 2-3 pm.
Scene: Talk to him and he will give you a record (marine jazz).


$"    Free Tum tum
Trigger: Befriend with him, at chapter 3, go into his house when he is in (of 
course). I think the time is exactly after he wakes up and before going out 
which means after and about 9 am. Another time is after he comes from springs 
at night, around 9-10 pm I think. Actually I forget if it is event that 
trigger or just common conversation (which means you must talk to him first in 
order to get the items). 
Scene: He'll give you a Tum Tum. 


&   Conversation with wife
Trigger: I don't know the exact requirements, but I think it's at several 
first days in the beginning chapter 1, because I think it is 'introduction 
situation' scene. Go into inn when Ruby and Tim at front room. 
Scene: Tim will take a chat with Ruby and talk about their 'former habit' to 
traveling. Tim asks Ruby whether she likes staying in this village or not.

$    Free Hoe
Trigger: Befriend with him, go into Tim's room when he's there alone. I 
suppose, it's 8.30 pm. After you order or get 3rd land. 
Scene: Tim will say that he got a hoe from traveling and he doesn't need it, 
so he'll give it to you. 

$    Free spices 
Trigger: Befriend with her, go into kitchen at inn when she's there alone. I 
suppose it's between 11.40 am and 1 pm.
Scene: She'll ask you if you like to cook or not. Answer "yes" and she'll give 
you 'never lasting' Ruby spices. If you have heard that it can be multiply, be 
careful, it cannot conduct in PS 2.

$"   Drink Milk Contest
Trigger: Go into inn, Van's day at noon (around 12 am). Note: it can trigger 
many times
Scene: Talk to him and he will challenge you in milk-drinking contest. Rock is 
normal opponent.

$"   Free Record
Trigger: befriend with him and have many times played milk-drinking contest 
with him (maybe about 10 times, but not require winning). Go into his room 
when he's inside. The best time is when he's just wake up (12 am-1 pm), but 
you must hurry because he's not long there. Talk to him, my friend say it must 
when he's stand in most far (from screen) side of room, when he's stand next 
to statue. I get it when he's in this spot too. My own experience, you must 
keep talk too him until he asks you about fashion, choose "well", after that I 
get the record.
Scene: talk to him and he'll give you record (flower bud)


$"   Grave mini game
Trigger: Chapter 2 up. In the morning (about 5-6.30 am) and Galen stand next 
to Nina's grave. Keep talk to him until he offers you to brush Nina's grave.
Scene: You'll be encountered a mini game cleaning the graves (you can see the 
data from your diary). After you finish, Nina's spirit will arise and thanks 
to you. It's the best way to befriend with Galen if you miss it in chapter 1 
since in chapter 2 he always refuses your gifts all day, every day. 

$"   Free pole
Trigger: Befriend with him. Chapter 2 and up. Enter his house when he's 
inside. If you still don't get this, keep play grave mini game. I get it when 
I have play it 9 times, but if you have good job in chapter 1(means have 
befriend with him), maybe you only just play less than my amount.
Scene: I forget if it's an event or just like common conversation. So, just 
try to talk to him every time you see him inside, if the time is right, he'll 
give you pole.

M    My beloved wife has gone
Trigger: Walk to the bridge.  I don't know the exact requirements, but maybe 
it's when Galen outside his house and at chapter 3 because it happen after 
Galen not in sorrow anymore. I get it in chapter 3
Scene: You'll see Galen talks to Nina's grave about the time he proposed her. 
It's really sad.

" $   The dream
Trigger: Around fall season 1st chapter
Scene: Well, it's just common conversation, which means she can say it 
everywhere. (I get it when she on the way home). She'll talk about her dream 
that is about sprites. Some people say it's a requirement to make the pot let 
you talk to him and choose gender. So I put it here.


$   Free wool shears 
Trigger: Befriend with him. Enter his house and go upstairs. For additional, 
maybe when he's upstairs (or just enough when he's inside home, dunno, but the 
event trigger upstairs) and maybe you must have a sheep. The best time to do 
this is at the morning after the Wally's house is 'wake up' but before he is 
going running, at noon when he takes a break (few opportunity), or afternoon 
after he finishes his exercise.
Scene: In upstairs, Wally will give you shears.

"$   Free Gold Medal
Trigger: Befriend, chapter 3 or late. Talk to him when he's inside. if you 
still dont get it, keep give him items. I get it after i gave him egg and 
other item (i forget what it is, maybe milk) then I continue talk to him. I my 
own experience get it at chapter 5 in Van day (day 3) 6.20 pm when he stands 
next to the stove.
Scene: He'll give you gold medal. Another unidentified function item. LOL

$ Family problem. Look at Samantha event.

"$   Drink Milk Contest
Trigger: Chapter 3 up. Go into the inn when Hugh inside. Maybe in the morning 
around 9. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Talk to Hugh and he offers if you want to play milk-drinking contest 
with him. Hugh is expert (difficult) opponent.

"$   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend with him. Chapter 3 and beyond. Go into upstairs of his 
house when he's there. It's really difficult since Hugh very rare in there. 
The best way is in the dawn, when the house is not answer "sleeping" anymore 
when you knocking, rush to upstairs and talk to Hugh (6 am).
Scene: He'll give you record (Harvest Moon SE, the same music with music in 
the beginning of the game). 

11.   CLINIC

$   Keep health
Trigger: Chapter 2, first time you enter the clinic at chapter 2 (of course) 
and at time when Hardy inside (before noon)
Scene: You'll faint and Hardy will help you and give advice 

$   Free sickle
Trigger: Befriend with him. Chapter 2 or beyond. Maybe after you get sickle 
from Cody and Hardy inside the house.
Scene: Hardy will give you sickle.

M   You look pale, Pal!
Trigger: Reach the path to the springs (the path next to bridge, not short way 
path from your farm) at night but I forget the chapter. Maybe chapter 2 or 3. 
I get it at 8.44 pm winter.
Scene: When you reach exact point, you'll encountered scene where you see 
Hardy go to the springs. You'll follow him and see that Hardy want to cure 
MukuMuku because he/she is pale. After that, the conversation changes about 
how Hardy 'gets' his eye. 


$"   Drink Milk Contest
Trigger: Chapter 2 up. Van's day about noon (12 am). Go into inn when Grant 
inside. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Talk to him and he will offer you to join Milk-drinking contest. Grant 
is easy opponent.

$    Free very useful-alarm clock
Trigger: Starting chapter 2, visit Grant in his house. Since he's working all 
day and directly goes to sleep after he arrives in his house, the best way is 
visit him at dawn before he goes to work (5 am). Don't worry; it not requires 
Scene: When you enter his house, he welcomed you and offers an alarm clock. 
Then he will deliver it to your house.

M   Get Promotion
Trigger:  Chapter 5, Exit your house at night (around 8 pm). My own 
experience, I got it at Chapter 5 day 9 Summer 8.06 pm. I don't know 
if "Summer" is a requirement too. 
Scene: You'll hear some one laughing. When you check, the one who laughing is 
Grant. He's so happy because finally he gets promotion from his boss.

$   Family problem
Trigger: When Samantha and Chris outside next to well, Go to clinic (Hardy's 
house) and then go outside. Chapter 2 and beyond, I think it's at days of 
beginning chapter 2 because it's kind of 'introduction situation' event. 
Remembering that Chris is going to the city almost all day, I suppose it may 
be at Van's day, once more, maybe.
Scene: Samantha and Chris will chat about their family. 

M   Tidy up!!
Trigger: Chapter 2, go into Kate's house when Samantha and Kate inside.
Scene: Samantha asks Kate to tidy up her room, then Kate feel annoyed. 

$ Want to be a novelist
Trigger: chapter 3. Dig in the dig site until Carter tells you to stop (5 pm).
Scene: After Carter sees the items you found in sites, you'll be encountered a 
scene where Kate talk to Flora that she wants to be a novelist. 

M   Tidy up!! Look at Samantha event.

$"   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend with her. Go into her room (upstairs) when she's in there. 
Chapter 3 and up. I think the best way is when she just wakes up (around 6 am).
Scene: She'll give you record. (Winter HM. Oh Lord, it really brings the 
memory. This music is same as music in HM: BTN in winter)


$    Free Hoe
Trigger: After you get hoe from Tim (means after get 3rd land and maybe have 
order all kind hoe from Takakura), go into Vesta's food storage when she's 
alone inside (after 10.47 am). Must hurry, because not long after that, she'll 
go outside, I think before 11 am.
Scene: She'll give you a hoe

>   Raccoon 
Trigger: After Marlyn gives you veggie juice and Vesta gives you weird hoe, 
and can only be obtained in chapter 1. Of course it's REALLY REALLY impossible 
since 3rd land can only occur after chapter 1. So I'm not suggesting this 
event. But please tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete 
information, of course.
Scene: Vesta will give you a Raccoon which sometimes seen around Vesta's farm.

>"   Discount?
Trigger: Befriend with Vesta by buy seeds from her, plant them and give 1/5 of 
them (don't know what it means). Starting chapter 2. I'm not suggesting this 
event. But please tell me if you have proved this. Better with complete 
information, of course.
Scene: Vesta will start giving you discount on sweet potatoes and watermelon 
because; she says, "Are a little overpriced".

&>(Means, I really don't know how it should classify as, just rumour or not) 
Free cows
Trigger: Very close with her (can be indicated if you can obtain "Discount?" 
event). Have at least 2 free spaces in barn.
Scene: One day when you wake up and go outside, Vesta will be at your door 
sort of blushing and she'll have cows on leashes behind her. One is a bull and 
one is female. She will say thank you for being my good friend. I don't need 
these cows anymore and I didn't want to sell them to that scientist so I 
thought you should take them. I know they will be safe here". It will give you 
options box: "thank you" or "oh I couldn't". If you accept, she will give the 
leashes to you and you'll be left with Takakura to help you get them inside 
the barn.

>   Free Juice
Trigger: Befriend with him. I'm not suggesting this event, ok? But please tell 
me if you have proved this. Better with complete information, of course.
Scene: He'll give you veggie juice. 

$"   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend with him. But if he starts to look at you while you pass by, 
it doesn't mean you will easily get it. My own experience, I have made him 
befriend with me before I try to get a record, but actually he still doesn't 
give me. Then I search for information, my friend says that you must give him 
as many items as can (I can give him 5 kind of items: S crop, turbo jolt, 
milk, good cheese/butter, dish) when he's around waterfall. It's tricky, of 
course, since he is there just once a season (Van day, but I forget which one, 
but may be day 3). One thing makes it trickier, when Marlyn in waterfall, 
actually he's in 'don't want to accept gifts' status, but you can give him by 
taking any little chance, which is: when he's walking to one spot to another, 
when he's changing his pose (it's the most difficult, cause really fast), but 
the easiest way is when his pose is NOT bow and his hand is in pocket 
(like 'thinking hard' pose) means you can give him when he is stood upright 
(his head look forward and his hands not in the pocket). Whew. So, the 
conclusion of requirement is befriended with him and talk/ask when he's around 
waterfall (day 3, maybe, because day 8 he's around Nina's grave almost all 
Scene: After "the game" think you have meet the requirement, Marlyn will give 
you record.


$   I love you!!
Trigger: Reach the dig sites (trigger at the end of valley) at chapter 4 or 5. 
In the morning before digging time (before 10 am). My own experience I got it 
in summer day 2, 8.12 am Chapter 5.
Scene: Carter says to Flora that he understands his feeling that he loves 
Flora and proposes her. Carter wants Flora to hug him, but Carter falls into 
the stream.

&   Cihuahua
Trigger: Befriend with him. Get a tablet every year. Chapter  4 (or beyond?). 
I'm in chapter 5 and have get tablet every year but still don't get it. I'm 
starting thinking it's just a rumour.
Scene: He'll give you a Cihuahua

"$   Free Record
Trigger: Befriend (easy, just dig as often as can). Talk to him when he's in 
the beach (Van day).
Scene: He will give you record (summer memories)

"$   Free Necklace
Trigger: Befriend with her. Enter tent when she's inside (after 5 pm).
Scene: Talk to her and she'll give you necklace.


$   Free Blue Feather.
Trigger:  Before chapter 1 ends (I think it's about fall season), and get girl 
with 3 hearts. They'll call you to their house and you're automatically in 
their house. 
Scene: the sprites found a blue feather and fight for it, and then one of them 
decide to give it to you and put it to your closet in tools room. On the way 
home, you meet Takakura and then he'll explain what the Blue Feather for. 

"$    Choose the gender
Trigger: Before married, before chapter 1 ends, go into sprites house and talk 
to the pot that behind the sprites. Talk to it many times…many.. many times 
until it tells that it gives up and offer you to choose your kid's gender. 
Actually, this game sets you'll get a boy, so this will be really effective if 
you want a daughter. Some people say it triggers after Nina talks about her 
dream (look at Nina's event)
Scene: After you talk to the pot many many many times, at last it will offer 
you to choose your kid's gender. After you choose, talk to the sprites too.

$   Isolated cow
Trigger: when your cow's XXX is getting red (means almost getting birth) Note: 
it can trigger many times
Scene: Sprites will call you and tell that your cow needs to be isolated. 
After that, your cow is isolated. Sprites then tell you not to forget isolate 
your cow BY YOUR SELF if your cow's XXX is getting red. It can be known by 
talking to your pregnant cow, and you'll say "(name)'s XXX is getting red, she 
must be isolated soon". And then you must go to the tool shed and examine the 
isolation tool. If you don't do this until last second, then sprites will call 
you again to isolation process (start at 00 am if you haven't sleep). 

$   The day of birth
Trigger: Time when your cow giving birth. Note: it can trigger many times
Scene: Sprites will call you and tell that you have new friend. They tell the 
gender and ask you to name it. 

>   Have an owl
Trigger: don't know. Some say befriend with all villagers and help sprites to 
clean the springs. I really don't suggest this event. But please tell me if 
you have proved this. Better with complete information, of course
Scene: If you help clean the springs, they'll give you an owl which you can 
see it some times in big tree and hear its voice.

$   Looking for Nices. 
Trigger: Walk onto springs at evening (6 pm I think, and maybe start in 
chapter 2)
Scene: Onetime, when you walk onto springs at evening, you'll be encountered 
event where sprites talking about wonderful things for Harvest Goddess in that 
springs, then they decide to clean, collect lots of "nices". Wonder what it 
means? I do too. Some people say it related to archeology items. If you have 
found many rare items in dig sites, nices will be trigger. But I don't know if 
it's true.  But after this event trigger, next time you'll be encounter events 
about nices in many places and time. Some people say it occurs in every season 
(once in a season) and you mustn't miss an event in a season, or Nices event 
will not complete or it must start from beginning again. Look at 'Nices' event 
for more detail. But I think it really possible that 'Nices' event trigger 
disarranged from 1 to 4.

$   Nices 1
Trigger: several days after you trigger 'Looking for Nices.' Event. Go to 
springs at night (6 pm or up)
Scene: They'll test to call Harvest Goddess in springs. Surprisingly, there's 
a voice from spring, although a little bit unbelievable if it's really a 

$   Nices 2
Trigger: Next season from 'Nices 1' event, exit your house in the morning 
(about 6 am), and have you cow pastured, I think.
Scene: You'll see sprites talk in front of your farm and discuss whether your 
cow is Nices or not

$   Nices 3
Trigger: Next season from 'Nices 2' event; go to Romana's villa at noon 
(around 12 am, but for more information, I get it at 11.43 am), and Romana is 
outside of house, I think.
Scene: You'll see sprites talk in front of Romana's villa and discuss whether 
Romana is Nices or not.

$   Nices 4
Trigger: Next season from 'Nices 3' event, exit your farm via path next to 
Takakura's house at noon (about 12 am), but some say about 6 pm. For my own 
experience, I forget when it triggers, sorry. But I think when Gustafa is 
playing guitar next to his house.
Scene: You'll see sprites talk in front of Gustafa's yurt. Then they hear 
Gustafa's music and listen to it. They say that the song is nice music, so 
that it is 'Nice' and start to look for another 'Nices'.

M   The Goddess
Trigger: I don't know the exact requirements, but I think after all Nices 
events have been trigger. Go into the Springs at night. For my own experience, 
I got it at 11.01 pm Fall Chapter 5. 
Scene: You and the Sprites go to the Springs, after that the screen goes white 
and a conversation appears. The Goddess says that you certainly collected a 
lot of 'nices' for her. She tells that she is a goddess in many places, so she 
may not be able to come here much

$    New Year's Festival
Trigger: Go into Romana's house between 10 am-9 pm, day 1 spring. Note: it can 
trigger many times, but cannot obtain in chapter 1.
Scene: well,…like ordinary party.

$   Summer Festival
Trigger: Not raining. Day 2 (or three? Forget, check it in your calendar at 
the right side wall) summer. Exit your house around 10 am-5 pm. Some people 
say to go to Gustafa's house at that time. But I get it in 1st way (exit my 
Scene: You'll singing together next to Gustafa's yurt.

$   Harvest Festival
Trigger: Not raining. Day 5 Fall. Exit your house around 12 am-5 pm; some 
people say can be obtained at 7 pm. Also, some people say to go to bar at that 
time. But I get it in 1st way (exit my house).
Scene: You'll eat together with villagers.

$   Starry Night Festival
Trigger: Not Raining. Day 7 winter. Exit your house around 7 pm- 11 pm. Some 
people say to go to Gustafa's house at that time. But I get it in 1st way 
(exit my house).
Scene: You'll singing together next to Gustafa's yurt.

Additional Strategy 

Plants grow every 12 o'clock, means 12 or 00 am and 12 or 00 pm. So if you 
want to avoid Murrey steal your crops, rush to your land around that time (in 
day when you think your crops can be harvest, of course). 

Sometime people are in "not accept any gift" status, it's really annoying.  I 
suggest you to survey the 'free time' before you really play the game. After 
you find the time, reload the game without saving it. Simple and unnecessary 
thing to be told, huh? But you can take the chance even they in their annoying 
status, which is when they start to move from 'previous pose' to 'next pose' 
or 'previous place to stand' to 'next place to stand'. The point is, you can 
give them gift even they're in 'annoying status' when they're walking (and 
their head turn on you when you have befriend with) hmmm…except Galen in 
chapter 2 I think.

If you have befriend, some people will teach you menu, some people can give 
more than one menu (beside, you can find menus from many places if you check 
it). I don't put it here because I think it's classified as common 
conversation. The people are Nina, Vesta, Ruby and Chris. Hmm I forget the 

Some gamers say that you can identify villagers whether have been befriended 
with you or not by looking at their head when you walk by next to them. If 
they start turn his head looking at your movement, it means they have becoming 
your friend. But my own opinion, it depends on the character. Actually 
there're steps about relationship and which step to be require for let you 
get 'the item they have' is depend on the character. Just say, Ruby is 'easy 
becoming friend' person. Just when her head starts turns follow you, you can 
trigger Ruby spice event. Despite with Rock, he has turn his head, but he 
still doesn't give me record. But maybe it related to another requirement, 
which is must have milk-drinking contest many times with him (some people say 
10 times, but it doesn't require you must win). Well, let mention another 
example, Marlyn, look at 'free record' in Marlyn event, but maybe it's require 
the amount you give him items when he's around waterfall.  Another one is 
Hardy, he has turn his head, but I'm not directly get the sickle in chapter 2, 
but maybe it related to 'the right time'. Maybe it just occurs in right day, 
right time and right spot. Dunno again. Okay, let say, besides the symptom 
of 'turn to follow' head as indication of befriend, there's another sign, 
which is the dialog is start changing, there's additional dialog occurs. Some 
villagers start giving you recipe.

Heart event : Grand bazaar

Selasa, 08 November 2011

List of Heart Events





Download seri-seri game harvest moon

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Hai sobat bloger kali ini saya akan membagi-bagi link untuk mendownload seri2 game harvest moon nih

Download game harvest moon grand bazaar
Download game harvest moon sunshine island
Download game harvest moon island of happines
Download game harvest moon more friend of mineral town
Download game harvest moon friend of mineral town
Download harvest moon DS cute
Download harvest moon DS
Download harvest moon back to nature
Download rune factory
Download rune factory 2
Download rune factory 3
Download harvest moon the tale of two town (usa)

Bagi yang gak punya emulatornya silahkan download di bawah ini
Download emulator NDS
Download emulator GBA
Download emulator PSX 1

Cheat harvest moon grand bazaar

Hai teman2 udah 1 minggu saya gak ngepost apapun hehehehehe
Jadi sekarang aku mau bagi2 cheat HM grand bazaar!

Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar
CB9E 56db1bff

Infinite Stamina
5201FD98 E0433004
0201FD98 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

Max Money
94000130 FFFB0000
0215CCB8 3B9AC9FF
D2000000 00000000

Infinite Water Can
520167C8 E5D01026
020167CC E3A0100F
D2000000 00000000

Always Max Freshness
5205A790 E1A00800
0205A794 E3A01064
D2000000 00000000

Max Stars on Storage & Bag
02040BF0 EAFEFD02
0204A138 EAFED7B4
E2000000 00000020
E3A00096 E5C8002B
E5980028 EA0102F8
E3A03096 E5C0302B
E5903028 EA012846
D2000000 00000000

Quick Harvest (Harvests In 1 day trees included)
52017870 E1A02D22
02017874 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

Max Affection EVERYONE (Press Select)
C0000000 00000021
02159F20 0002FFFF
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

Freeze Time On/Off (Select + DPAD Left On/Select + DPAD Right Off)
94000130 FFEB0000
0202BFB0 E2800000
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FFDB0000
0202BFB0 E2800001
D0000000 00000000

Time Up/Down (Select + DPAD Left Down/Selct + DPAD Right Time UP)
2215A159 00000000
9215A158 0000003C
2215A158 00000000
DB000000 0215A157
D4000000 00000001
D8000000 0215A157
D2000000 00000000
8215A158 000000F0
2215A158 0000003A
DB000000 0215A157
D8000000 0215A157
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDB0000
74000100 FF000050
DA000000 0215A158
D7000000 0215A158
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEB0000
74000100 FF000050
DA000000 0215A158
D4000000 00000001
D7000000 0215A158
D2000000 00000000

All Cooking Recipes (Press Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
12165134 00007FFF
C0000000 00000006
D6000000 02165118
D2000000 00000000

Mature Animals [STA + L + R] (will mature after you sleep)
94000130 FCF70000
C0000000 00000013
22159B8B 00000004
221597CB 00000004
DC000000 00000030
D2000000 00000000

Happy Animals (Max Hearts) ((Press B))
94000130 FFFD0000
C0000000 0000000A
121594F8 00007F60
021594FC 201F4000
121596D9 00007F60
021596DC 201F4000
121595E9 00007F60
021595EC 201F4000
DC000000 00000030
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFD0000
C0000000 00000013
02159B88 00007F60
22159B8F 00000018
021597C8 0000FE80
221597CF 00000018
DC000000 00000030
D2000000 00000000

Happy Cats (Max Hearts and Training Level) ((PRESS B))
C0000000 0000000A
121595E9 00007F60
021595EC 201F4000
DC000000 00000030
D2000000 00000000

Happy Dogs (Max Hearts and Training Level) ((PRESS B))
C0000000 0000000A
121596D9 00007F60
021596DC 201F4000
DC000000 00000030
D2000000 00000000
Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code
Verified by: TheFallenDragonWhisp Submitted by: DCinMI on September 28, 2010
rating: --- link directly to this codeMisc. Codes [North America]

Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar (U) Action Replay Codes

Name: [NDS] Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar [U]
Creator: basher11, pongozilla, elixirdream
Cheat Device: AR

::Infinite Stamina v2
5201FD98 E0433004
0201FD98 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

::Infinite Jump
22026D7C 00000008

::[SELECT] Max Money
94000130 FFFB0000
0215CCB8 3B9AC9FF
D2000000 00000000

::Infinite Water Can v2
520167C8 E5D01026
020167CC E3A0100F
D2000000 00000000

::Freshness Never Decrease/Always Max
5205A790 E1A00800
0205A794 E3A01064
D2000000 00000000

::Max Stars On Bag/Storage
02040BF0 EAFEFD02
0204A138 EAFED7B4
E2000000 00000020
E3A00096 E5C8002B
E5980028 EA0102F8
E3A03096 E5C0302B
E5903028 EA012846
D2000000 00000000

::Cycle through Items on 1st Slot [SEL + UP/DOWN]
94000130 FF7B0000
8215B180 00000000
74000100 FF000020
DB000000 0215B180
D8000000 0215B180
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBB0000
7215B180 000002FC
74000100 FF000020
DB000000 0215B180
D4000000 00000001
D8000000 0215B180
D2000000 00000000

::x99 Items in Bag
C0000000 00000030
8215B18A 00000000
2215B18A 00000063
DC000000 00000010
D2000000 00000000

::Quick Harvest
52017870 E1A02D22
02017874 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

::MAX Affection Everyone
C0000000 00000021
02159F20 0002FFFF
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

::All Recipies (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
12165134 00007FFF
C0000000 00000006
D6000000 02165118
D2000000 00000000

::Barn always with food
1216513C 00000A0A
12165138 00000A0A

::Bug/Insect List (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000054
22158554 00000001
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

::Fish List (Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000030
2215870A 00000001
DC000000 00000002
D2000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
Time Codes

::[SEL+Right/Left On/Off]Freeze Time
94000130 FFEB0000
0202BFB0 E2800000
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FFDB0000
0202BFB0 E2800001
D0000000 00000000

::Time modifier [SEL + RIGHT/LEFT]
:::Forward Right/ Backward Left. WARNING - Going BACK to 5:59 AM will make u pass out!
2215A159 00000000
9215A158 0000003C
2215A158 00000000
DB000000 0215A157
D4000000 00000001
D8000000 0215A157
D2000000 00000000
8215A158 000000F0
2215A158 0000003A
DB000000 0215A157
D8000000 0215A157
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFDB0000
74000100 FF000050
DA000000 0215A158
D7000000 0215A158
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFEB0000
74000100 FF000050
DA000000 0215A158
D4000000 00000001
D7000000 0215A158
D2000000 00000000

:Season Modifier

2215A154 00000000

2215A154 00000001

2215A154 00000002

2215A154 00000003
Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code
Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: MegaBassZX on September 28, 2010
rating: --- link directly to this codeSeason Codes [Japan]

[Spring (Select + Up)]
94000130 FFBB0000
2215AFB0 00000000
D2000000 00000000
[Summer (Select + Right)]
94000130 FFEB0000
2215AFB0 00000001
D2000000 00000000
[Autumn (Select + Down)]
94000130 FF7F0000
2215AFB0 00000002
D2000000 00000000
[Winter (Select + Left)]
94000130 FFDF0000
2215AFB0 00000003
D2000000 00000000
Verify this code Rate this code I would like to report a problem with this code
Verified by: this code is unverified Submitted by: hinatahyuuga on December 24, 2009
rating: --- link directly to this codeTime Code [L+Down Minutes is 0:00 L+Up Minutes is 0:59] [Japan]

94000130 FD7F0000
2215AFB8 00000000
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FDBF0000
2215AFB8 0000003B
D2000000 00000000

Harvest moon grand bazaar

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Yay! Happy happy funtime!
Already this is a vast improvement on Sunshine Islands, with alot more freedom as well!
Once again you can choose your gender, and although I chose the girl again…the boy looks cuter.
The title of the game should give a small clue into what makes this a little different from the Harvest Moon series, and the main difference is you can no longer ship the produce on your farm or the items you find, and instead you open your own stall at the towns bazaar and sell it yourself.
The more successful you are at meeting the towns target figure, the more it increases in size and allows for other stalls to be opened.
Planting crops is a little different too, as now each seed bag bought is for one square, rather than 1 bag of seeds filling nine squares.
And there are little opportunities to mine other than in Winter, which is still pretty rare. Most jewels and stones can be bought from the bazaar.
Yes it's summer, and yes I'm selling a snowball.
If you’ve played the previous DS game, you’d notice a few appearances from Chen and Gus from the sunshine islands, who jack up their prices considerably. Pierre also thinks he is the gourmet shit, and shows up to host the cooking festival.
Something that really bugged me after I’d been playing for a few days was the voice acting. Now I don’t mind that there was voice acting, or that it was clearly the same as the original Japanese version. My problem was that it was persistent, annoying and pointless.
I should point out there is no actual spoken dialogue, just sound effects and grunts every time you do something. In fact, when you don’t do stuff you make just as much noise.
Usually I like having my DS loud and proud, but when my housemate turns and gives me an expression that suspects I’m playing a dodgy game it can be a little awkward.  Probably not as bad as Duel Love though.
“Uhnn, uhnn, uhnn.” every time you jump or plow something! She even shudders if she misses the mark on a jump.
Not to mention the weird ‘uhn sha’ sound she makes when she sows seeds…I’m tempted to start a new game to hear the boy sounds.
On the subject of sound effects, no sound is more nerve shattering than the sound you make when you cross your cow. It is so terrifying I’ve included a clip from my own playthrough:
I know I woke it up, but no creature should ever make this sound.
Other than this the game is actually really fun. There were no mingers, and there was noone I needed to marry out of pitty. I wont go into detail about my choices as none of them were all that special, except the one I ended up choosing.
Amir wasn’t available until Winter. His heart colour is hidden and he is a prince from a far away country…I enjoy the challenge.
Playing a playa.
One of the things I moan about in EVERY Harvest Moon is that when you get married, not only does the spouse not do anything…if you are female you also keep up the harsh farming and animal raising ordeal up until you give birth and straight after.
He’s supposed to be a prince, I know he is loaded…so why can’t he share his wealth and buy me a maid?
Only my animals truly love me.
Finally, I'm a cat lady!
It is criminal how easy it is to make money in this game as well, not that I didn’t like it. The simplest and easiest way to get tons of cash is by using the windmill to make grass seeds which sell for around 500 a piece. Nice. Which makes upgrading the bazaar a synch. I almost suspect that the reason it’s so expensive to sell is because it is weed. I am a Harvest Moon crime-lord that noone would suspect.
Also once you train your dog and cat they take care of the animals by letting them in and out the barn. Am I the only one concerned that the cats are in charge of the chickens?
This is a vast improvement in comparison to Sunshine Islands, where I was eternally poor, and didn’t have time to rub elbows…and other things with the villagers.
In this game you are spoilt with time, so making the bachelors priority and neglecting everyone else isn’t necessary. I should point out that I take so much pleasure in being the village player that I max out all bachelor/bachelorette’s hearts before I finally choose one, so usually the other villagers don’t get a look in.
There are no limits to what a blue feather can do...unless you don't have a double bed.
This could quite possibly be one of the funnest Harvest Moon’s I have played in a while, but I am never completely pleased….especially with my choices, the ladies included. The characters were all drawn attractively, and they were all lovely lads and all…but there was nothing really special about any of them. It sort of reminds me of the original Harvest Moon game where all I had were normal village girls, but at this stage I expect more.
Sunshine islands had an orphaned fisherman living in poverty, the rich boy whose dialogue was poetry and the barbarian who barely knew any English.
If only Raul, the stereotypical Mexican was available....*sigh*
I felt like I didn’t know why I was there…there was no pressing mission that only I could fulfil. The village didn’t really need me, and I didn’t have a story. No sinking islands for me to save, no level to reach after a certain amount of years, my only goal seemed to be to make the bazaar bigger.
I wasn’t even special enough to see the Harvest Goddess or the sprites…and I know they exist in universe of this game because the Sunshine Island villagers kept visiting.
I genuinely think it is...
Your words hurt, Llyod. This is why we're not married.
But still I prefer the way this game operates to the previous ones, I like having my cat and dog doing all the work and having an easy way to make money to build my home, and the bazaar was pretty fun, I just wanted more storyline to enjoy it even more.

Harvest moon island of happines

Harvest moon island of happiness

Temen2 nama game ini harvest moon island of happines :D gamennya seru lho
hmm cukuplah basa basinya, marilah kita memulai reviewnya mulai dari membicarakan gameplaynya. game ini masih sama dengan seri sebelumnya yaitu mengumpulkan uang dari bertani n beternak, bersosialisasi dengan penduduk, bahkan pdkt dengan cewek/cowok agar bisa menikah dengannya.

terus masalah kontrol.  kamu akan mengendalikan karaktermu dengan menggunakan touchscreen dan stylus seperti di game Legend of Zelda. untuk berjalan kamu tinggal menekan touchscreen di atas,kiri,kanan, atau bawah dari karaktermu. dan untuk tombol d-pad digunakan untuk menggunakan peralatan atau barang – barangmu sehingga lebih praktis. kontrol yang baru ini agak susah dilakukan apalagi jika ingin menyiram tanaman, mencabut rumput, dll karena harus membidiknya dengan pas tapi kalo sudah terbiasa, lama – lama akan mudah juga untuk dilakukan.
jalan cerita island of hapiness ini mirip – mirip dengan jalan ceritanya lost in blue, game yang dirilis untuk konsol DS juga. kalo lost in blue ada sepasang anak yang terdampar dipulau tak berpenghuni, maka di island of hapiness terdapat sekelompok orang terdampar dipulau yang ditinggal oleh penghuni sebelumnya sehingga masih terdapat rumah – rumah  kosong bahkan ada peternakan kosongnya juga (wah, kebetulan sekali ^^). salah satu dari sekelompok orang itu adalah karakter utama yang akan kamu kontrol sepanjang permainan. tujuan utama game ini kamu akan disuruh bertani dan beternak di peternakan yang kosong tadi untuk bertahan hidup.  tidak usah cemas karena  banyak yang akan membantumu
untuk mengurus semua kebutuhanmu mulai dari menjualkan hasil kebunmu, membuatkan kandang dan rumah, menyediakan benih dll. sayangnya itu semua tidak datang sekaligus jadi kamu harus berusaha agar pulau yang berpotensi ini tetap eksis sehingga banyak yang pindah kepulau ini terus menetap dan menyediakan segala kebutuhanmu. intinya kamu harus mengembangkan pulau ini dari dasar bersama – sama untuk menjadikan pulau yang penuh kebahagiaan ini layak untuk ditinggali. gimana? serukan?.
nah bagi penggemar setia harvestmoon series jangan sampai ketinggalan game i

Harvest moon sunshine island

Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands

  Jika Anda memilih untuk, pengadilan Anda bisa dan menikah salah satu dari tujuh pasangan yang memenuhi syarat yang berbeda dari lawan jenis. Setiap orang memiliki selera yang berbeda dan karakteristik, dan ada pasti akan seseorang yang kompatibel dengan kepribadian Anda sendiri.

                                        pernikahan calon pahlawan Male

Witch Princess

                                            pernikahan calon pahlawan Wanita

   Setiap orang yang memenuhi syarat untuk menikah akan memiliki penanda jantung pada potret mereka. Untuk meningkatkan warna penanda hati Anda akan perlu untuk melakukan hal-hal yang menguntungkan, seperti berbicara dengan orang sehari-hari dan memberikan hadiah. Ada 7 tahap warna yang Anda harus maju melalui sebelum orang akan menerima proposal pernikahan Anda.

Setiap tahap jantung poin persahabatan 10.000 (FP). Ketika Anda berinteraksi dengan calon, mereka FP akan meningkat dan akhirnya warna hati mereka akan berubah. Informasi tentang bagaimana meningkatkan poin persahabatan mereka dapat ditemukan pada halaman Persahabatan.
Ketika calon pasangan Anda telah mencapai warna hati ungu, biru, hijau, dan kuning yang dapat memicu Peristiwa Heart. Peristiwa ini diperlukan untuk melihat apakah Anda ingin menikah dengan orang itu. Anda dapat melihat mereka bahkan jika Anda tidak berencana untuk menikah dengan orang tertentu, karena melihat jantung menghitung kondisi menuju titik lain Anda Gelar.
Selama acara jantung, orang tersebut akan memberikan dua pilihan. Kadang-kadang pilihan ini hanya untuk konfirmasi, dan lain kali mereka akan memberitahu orang bagaimana perasaan Anda terhadap dia. Jawaban positif ke acara hati akan memberi Anda 2000 fp. Jawaban negatif akan mengurangi persahabatan orang itu oleh -2000 fp. Jika Anda menjawab negatif selama acara jantung, itu tidak merusak kesempatan Anda untuk menikah dengan orang itu. Semua hal ini adalah mengurangi persahabatan, yang akhirnya Anda dapat membuat back up dengan memberikan hadiah. Anda tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk kembali melakukan acara jantung.

Persyaratan Pernikahan 
Memberikan bulu biru
Sebelum Anda bisa menikah, Anda harus persyaratan minimum dipenuhi untuk membuktikan kepada pasangan Anda bahwa Anda cukup bertanggung jawab untuk menikah:

* Memiliki warna merah hati dengan orang yang Anda ingin menikah
* Lihat kejadian penyakit jantung hitam, ungu, hijau, dan kuning
* Memiliki Istri atau Suami Bed, yang muncul di toko Chen untuk 10.000 G setelah Anda meng-upgrade rumah Anda dua kali.
* Angkat Kepulauan Mystic sehingga Nathan dan gereja dapat bergerak
* Membuat korban kepada Dewi dengan melempar hadiah ke dalam kolam itu sedikitnya sekali
* Anda telah menerima Batu Matahari anak laki-laki atau perempuan telah ditemukan
Setelah Anda siap untuk menikah, membeli Blue Feather dari toko Chen. Ini akan muncul dalam kategori Produk Beli Lain nya toko untuk 1000 G. Bahkan setelah Anda menikah, Chen akan menjual Feathers Blue jika anda ingin menghabiskan waktu untuk kapal setiap item S-Rank dalam permainan.
Berikan Blue Feather mengusulkan kepada orang yang Anda ingin menikah. Jika Anda telah menyelesaikan persyaratan pernikahan dasar, anda akan pindah ke rumah peternakan Anda untuk secara resmi mengusulkan. Setelah orang tersebut menerima proposal Anda, Anda berdua akan pergi ke keluarga untuk mengumumkan niat Anda untuk menikah. Mark dan Chelsea tidak punya keluarga di pulau itu, jadi setelah Anda usulkan mereka hanya meninggalkan rumah untuk mempersiapkan upacara.Menikah
Pernikahan itu sendiri akan berlangsung 7 hari setelah diusulkan. Hari ini tidak akan ditandai di kalender Anda. Jika pernikahan akan mendarat di hari yang sama sebagai festival musiman, pernikahan akan didorong kembali oleh 1 hari.
Pada hari pernikahan, Anda akan segera pergi ke gereja untuk upacara. Anda tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk merawat tanaman Anda atau pakan ternak Anda. Setelah Anda melihat upacara pernikahan, kredit berakhir akan bergulir. Setelah Anda membaca nama-nama orang-orang yang bekerja pada permainan, Anda akan kembali ke rumah peternakan Anda.
Anda baru pasangan akan menanyakan apa nama yang ingin dia untuk menelepon Anda dari sekarang. Anda bisa non-kreatif dan ketik nama asli Anda, atau Anda bisa manis dan meminta dia untuk menelepon Anda Sayang, Sayang, hotlips, atau apa pun nama yang dapat Anda pikirkan.

Setelah Pernikahan 
Makan siang waktu!
Salah satu manfaat untuk menikah adalah bahwa Anda memiliki koki untuk memasak makan siang untuk Anda! Setiap hari, Anda dapat pergi ke rumah peternakan Anda 13:00-2:00 untuk menerima item yang dapat dimakan dari pasangan Anda.
Tanggal pernikahan akan ditandai di kalender Anda setelah upacara berlangsung. Ini sekarang tanggal ulang tahun Anda, dan Anda dapat merayakannya setiap tahun. Masuk ke dalam rumah Anda setelah 6:00 untuk merayakan bersama-sama. Anda akan dihargai dengan Stone Wonderful dan 1000 fp dengan pasangan Anda (dan anak).
Anda juga merayakan ulang tahun anda dengan cara yang sama. Masuk ke dalam rumah Anda pada hari ulang tahun Anda setelah 6:00 untuk menerima hadiah secara acak dari pasangan Anda. Anda tidak merayakan ulang tahun pasangan anda dengan cara yang sama sekalipun! ulang tahun pasangan anda adalah sama seperti sebelum menikah, Anda memberinya atau hadiah di ulang tahun dan Anda mendapatkan dorongan di FP.
Beberapa festival juga akan berubah. Karena Anda sudah menikah, Anda tidak lagi harus meminta untuk kencan ke Dewi Harvest Festival, Festival Fireworks, atau Starry Night Festival. Pada hari Harmony Spring dan / atau Winter Harmony Day, Anda akan menerima hadiah cinta dari pasangan Anda setelah Anda pergi tidur daripada harus masuk dan keluar dari rumah Anda untuk menerima pengunjung. Anda perlu memiliki tempat kosong yang tersedia di Rucksack Anda sehingga ia dapat menyelinap ke Rucksack Anda saat Anda tidur.

Hewan Sarjana

poin Produktif dalam kategori hewan tidak manfaat apa-apa kecuali untuk unlocking karpet / wallpaper.

 Poin Tindakan
1 - Letakkan makanan di bin pakan hewan- Gunakan Brush, pemerah, atau sheers- Mainkan permainan mini binatang jika diminta untuk melakukannya oleh hewan
2 - Beli makanan hewan- Kapal satu produk hewan- Meminta bantuan dari binatang buas
3 - Apakah babi peliharaan Anda menemukan jamur
5 - Berbicara dengan hewan Anda- Kumpulkan produk hewan (memerah, sheering, dll)- Gunakan Keju, Mentega, Yogurt, Benang, atau Mayonnaise Makers
10 - Beli ayam, sapi, atau domba- Berteman dengan hewan liar. Maksimal 1200 poin (6 keluarga binatang buas x 20 per keluarga x 10 poin masing-masing)
50 - Memiliki hewan lahir di peternakan Anda
100 - Berpartisipasi dalam festival hewan dengan memungkinkan Mirabelle untuk mengambil binatang off peternakan Anda hari sebelum festival
500 - Ambil 3 tempat di festival hewan
700 - Mengambil tempat 2 di festival hewan
1000 - Ambil 1 tempat di festival hewanMultiplier - Memiliki Keju, Yogurt, Mentega, Wol, atau Mayonnaise dalam ransel Anda ketika Anda bangun di pagi hari. Anda akan mendapatkan jumlah item Anda memiliki kali jumlah tahun Anda berada dalam permainan. Jika Anda memiliki 10 Butter dalam ransel Anda ketika Anda terbangun, dan Anda berada di tahun 2, Anda akan mendapatkan 20 Hewan poin Degree.Memasak Gelar
Ketika Anda mendapatkan lebih baik memasak, peluang Anda untuk gagal ketika membuat sebuah resep tingkat tinggi menjadi kurang dan kurang. Sebagai contoh, Sup Jagung dikuasai setelah Anda telah mendapatkan lebih dari 5000 poin memasak. Ada kesempatan cukup baik bahwa Anda akan membuat resep bahkan jika Anda memiliki kurang dari 5000 poin, tetapi pada kesempatan Anda mungkin gagal sampai Anda mencapai jumlah yang diperlukan.Poin Tindakan
2 - Kapal resep dimasak
5 - Masak resep yang telah Anda buat sebelumnya
10 - Masak resep Anda belum dibuat sebelum
100 - Pelajari resep baru dari Nick, Haila, atau Dewi Panen (di lantai 255 tambang)- Berpartisipasi dalam Festival Memasak di Summer 13
500 - Ambil 3 tempat di Festival Memasak
700 - Mengambil tempat 2 di Festival Memasak
1000 - Ambil 1 tempat di Festival MemasakMultiplier - Memiliki Buku Hitam dalam ransel Anda ketika Anda bangun di pagi hari. Anda akan mendapatkan poin sama dengan jumlah buku kali jumlah tahun Anda berada dalam permainan.- Tambahkan bahan tambahan untuk resep dan memiliki hasil yang sukses. Anda akan mendapatkan poin sama dengan jumlah penambahan 3 kaliTanaman Gelar
Gelar ini menentukan bibit tanaman apa Chen untuk dijual di tokonya. Pada awal permainan Anda akan memiliki set dasar benih (Turnip, Tomat, dll) tetapi benih-benih lebih maju seperti bayam dan Bawang mengharuskan Anda untuk memiliki gelar Tanaman lebih tinggi.
Poin tanaman sangat mudah untuk meningkatkan tanpa perlu ada upaya khusus ke dalamnya.Poin Tindakan
1 - Air persegi tanah digarap- Sampai suatu persegi tanah dengan cangkul Anda
2 - Kapal panen- Membeli bibit tanaman
5 - Gunakan pembuat Benih, Perontok, atau Mill Tepung- Panen panenMultiplier - Toss bibit untuk menanam tanaman yang. Anda akan mendapatkan poin untuk setiap persegi yang mendapat unggulan- Memiliki kantong benih dalam ransel Anda ketika Anda bangun di pagi hari. Setiap kantong kali jumlah tahun Anda berada dalam permainan sama Anda memperoleh Tanaman poin SarjanaSarjana Perikanan
Produktif tingkat tinggi Perikanan Gelar membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk melakukan. Jika Anda ingin melengkapi daftar 143 spesies ikan untuk menangkap, Anda harus bekerja pada mendapatkan poin memancing untuk membuka.Poin Tindakan
1 - Pemain alat pancing ke dalam air
2 - Kapal barang tunggal yang Anda telah menangkap
5 - Catch ikan
15 - Catch jenis baru ikan yang belum pernah Anda tertangkap sebelumnya
100 - Catch Raja Ikan- Berpartisipasi dalam Kontes Fish on Summer 23
500 - Ambil 3 tempat di Ikan Kontes
700 - Mengambil tempat 2 dalam Ikan Kontes
1000 - Mengambil tempat 1 dalam Kontes PerikananMultiplier - Bila Anda bangun di pagi hari, memiliki Botol dalam ransel Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan poin berdasarkan jumlah botol kali jumlah tahun Anda berada dalam permainanPertambangan Gelar
Sebelum Anda bisa mencapai bagian bawah tambang, Anda harus dapat 30.000 poin pertanian! Itu adalah banyak pekerjaan hanya mendapatkan hak untuk mencapai lantai 255. Sampai Anda telah mendapatkan poin cukup, Anda akan berhenti di lantai sebelumnya dan tidak akan dapat menemukan tangga ke lantai berikutnya.Poin Tindakan
1 - Jatuh ke lubang di tambang- Go menuruni tangga di tambang- Air gelembung lava- Smash batu di tambang dengan Anda palu- Gunakan cangkul Anda pada tanah dalam tambang
2 - Kapal satu item yang ditemukan di tambang- Cari item dalam batu atau tanah di tambang
15 - Temukan item yang belum pernah ditemukan sebelumnya di dalam tambang
100 - Berpartisipasi dalam Festival Pertambangan di Musim Dingin 19
500 - Ambil 3 tempat di Festival Pertambangan
700 - Mengambil tempat 2 di Festival Pertambangan
1000 - Ambil 1 tempat di Festival PertambanganMultiplier - Dapatkan poin setiap pagi dengan memiliki Tablet Batu dalam ransel Anda. Ini akan dikalikan dengan jumlah tahun Anda berada dalam permainan

Gelar lain
Apa pun yang tidak cocok dengan kategori di atas akan dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok Degree Lain. Titik-titik ini terutama diperoleh seperti yang Anda memicu peristiwa dalam permainan.Poin Tindakan
1 - Beri seseorang hadiah- Berbicara dengan seseorang satu kali per hari
2 - Kapal barang tunggal yang cocok ke dalam kategori "lainnya" yang dikirimkan daftar item Anda. Ini termasuk tumbuhan liar, jamur, batu, gulma, dan sebagainya- Pick up "lain" item off dari tanah- Potong gulma dengan Anda Sickle- Gunakan Axe atau Hammer untuk membuat bahan konstruksi
5 - Memiliki Charlie menggabungkan 7 Pieces Wonderful untuk membuat Wonderful.- Menghabiskan uang di toko manapun
10 - Anda Merayakan ulang tahun bersama keluarga Anda- Anak Anda mulai merangkak- Anak Anda mulai berjalan- Mengaktifkan Sprite Panen
100 - anak Anda Merayakan ulang- Menerima Anda Afternoon Lunch dari pasangan anda- Trigger acara hati- Trigger acara saingan- Toss hadiah ke Dewi 'Pond pada Spring 8 (ulang tahunnya)- Berpartisipasi dalam festival tanaman musiman
200 - Merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan Anda- Acara kehamilan pasangan Anda Teman
500 - Ambil 3 tempat dalam festival tanaman musiman
700 - Mengambil tempat 2 dalam festival tanaman musiman
1000 - Ambil 1 tempat dalam festival tanaman musiman- Menikah
2000 - Anak Anda lahirMultiplier - Dapatkan 1 poin untuk setiap tahun Anda berada dalam permainan setiap pagi- Dapatkan poin untuk setiap item Anda membuang sampah Anda dapat di dalam rumah Anda


Junk Ore

Heart Events

Work Tools
Purple Heart Event

» Denny's house
» Sunny day: 8:00 am to 10:00 am, and 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm
» Rainy day: 8:00 am to 11:00 am, and 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm
» Friday, Rainy day: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Denny at a purple heart color or above

Inside his house, Denny is repairing some fishing nets. If he doesn't catch anything than he doesn't have anything to eat, so his equipment is very important to him. He offers to teach you how to do it and walks you through tying the knots.
» This is really tough! = Positive answer!
You think so? Denny things you did a nice job anyway. Fishing is very interesting to him, and he is glad that you came to visit.
» Really... uh-huh... = Negative answer.

Staring at the Sea
Blue Heart Event

» Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Rainy day: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Friday, Rainy day: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
» Denny at a blue heart color or above
» You have already seen "Work Tools"

Denny seems to be simply staring out at the ocean when he notices you approaching. With the weather being as bad as it is today, the wind is really rough out on the sea. Suddenly his bird repeats what he just said! He introduces you to his bird, Popper, who repeats back a little greeting to you. Popper then tells Denny to leave so that the bird can talk to you alone!
Denny apologizes for his bird's rude behavior, when you suddenly see something out in the water. Denny asks if you want to take a closer look.
» We might catch a cold... = Negative answer.
Well that's fine; you can head back but Denny wants to stay out on the beach for a little bit longer.
» Yea, I want to check it out. = Positive answer!
Sometimes it is tough to see things that are way out at sea, although you might not ever see it again. Denny volunteers to stay with you on the beach as long as you would like him to. Popper teases Denny by chanting that he likes you, but Denny tells him to be quiet.

Green Heart Event

» The cafe on Sprout Island
» Sunny day: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
» Friday, Rainy day: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
» Denny at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Staring at the Sea"

Denny is at the cafe drinking tea. He says he use to get a little bit embarrassed coming to the cafe because he use to come in after a day of fishing, and he would smell of fish and seawater.
» Yuck! That's disgusting! = Negative answer.
You think so? He always figured a guy like him didn't belong at the cafe.
» You shouldn't be embarrassed. = Positive answer!
Denny thinks it was very nice of you to say that. Even Popper pipes up about how happy Denny is. Denny thinks it is nice to know that the two of you really are alike.

Out with Denny
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Denny at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Outsider"

The weather is nice today, so Denny has come by to see if you want to go out and do something.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
As you're walking along, Denny suggests that the two of you stop by Chen's shop. Inside the shop, Chen asks if the two of you are on a date. Denny tells him that the two of you are just hanging out, although he appears embarrassed.
You two look around the shop. Denny notices that Chen has added some new items for sale. He laughs as he mentions that he ends up buying more than he planned to. Chen must be a very good salesman!
Chen says that he is grateful for Denny's patronage because he buys lots of things. It seems you have an eye for some of Chen's goods as well. Chen mentions that maybe Denny should take his "lady friend" somewhere fancy after visiting his shop. Denny continues to insist that the two of you are just hanging out, but you and Chen seem to think otherwise.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.


Heart Events

Purple Heart Event

» Taro's house
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:oo am to 8:00 am, 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Elliot at a purple heart color or higher

Walk into Taro's house and you'll startle Elliot. He is slightly embarrased because he goofed up while working yesterday, so Taro is making him clean the house as punishment. He knows he made a mistake, but he wants to be more careful so that he doesn't make the same mistake again.
» Things will be okay. = Negative answer.
Yes he already knows that; you didn't need to remind him. Elliot requests that you leave because he has to finish cleaning.
» I could help you clean. = Positive answer!
Really? Elliot says he should be cleaning by himself, but he doesn't think he could finish on his own. Thanks for offering to help!

My Favorite Spot
Blue Heart Event

» Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Sunny or Cloudy day: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
» Elliot at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Cleaning"

Elliot is hanging out on the shoreline of Sprout Island when he notices that you are out for a walk. He is too, and he likes to stand on the beach and look out at the sea scenery. The breeze feels nice and the sea appears to look endless. This spot always makes him feel good.
» I don't think it's so great. = Negative answer.
You shouldn't talk about his favorite spot like that. It isn't very nice! Elliot wants to enjoy his spot on his own and walks away.
» I really like it too! = Positive answer!
Elliot is glad to hear that you like his favorite spot too. He could just stand here and watch the scenery forever. Elliot asks if you would like to get closer to the waves, so he takes you to the edge of the water. After discovering a pretty shell in the water, he feels that something good is going to happen.

Mother's Accident
Green Heart Event

» Taro's house
» 6:00 am to 8:00 am
» Elliot at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "My Favorite Spot"

Inside the house, Felicia looks like she is not feeling well. Natalie is immediately concerned, but Felicia tells her that she was just feeling a little dizzy for a moment. Elliot notices that his mom is rather pale, and volunteers to finish up the kitchen work so that she can rest.
Elliot asks his sister to get some ice and a wet towl for Felicia, and tells Taro to go fetch a doctor. As the two people head out to leave, Taro bumps into you coming in the house. He tells you to move out of the way because he's off to find a doctor.
» Use my phone! = Positive answer!
Your offer of help sounds great to Taro, and Elliot thanks you as well.
Trent arrives at the house and determines that Felicia only overworked herself. He suggests that she gets some rest and she'll be fine. Felicia appologizes that she made everyone worry about her, and thanks her son for helping her out.
» See you later! = Negative answer.
Taro says goodbye to you and runs out the door. Elliot watched your lack of assistance from a distance and is not impressed.

Out with Elliot
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Elliot at a yellow heart color or above
» You have seen "Mother's Accident"

Elliot meets you at your house and since it is so nice outside today, wants to know if you want to go out for a little bit.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
The two of you head out but end up bumping into Taro on the bridge. Taro wants help from his grandson and asks if he would be willing to head back home with him. Elliot tries to tell him that at the moment he's busy, but you don't mind if he has to go for a bit. Elliot appologizes to you for having to leave, and tells his grandpa that he'll be home right away. After Taro leaves, Elliot asks if you would wait for him tonight at Sprout Island's beach; there is something he wants to show you.
The time moves to evening, and the two of you get back together at the beach. Elliot says that Taro wanted to thank you for allowing him to get back to work. Elliot wanted to make sure he came to the beach on time, so he could show you the beautiful sunset. He's glad that you like to watch the sunset as well.
You will return to your farm house at 6:00 pm.


Heart Events

Lunch Together
Purple Heart Event

» Verdure Island Diner
» Sunny day: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Rainy Friday-only: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Mark at a purple heart color or higher

Inside the Diner, Mark seems to be enjoying himself at one of the tables. As you walk in, he asks if you're there to eat too. Mark likes the diner because the food is great and there's so many different people to talk to.
» I prefer eating alone. = Negative answer.
Mark is sad to hear that you don't like to eat in busy places. He hopes that you don't stick around because of him.
» I'd love to join you! = Positive answer!
Oh wonderful! Food tastes better when eaten with friends. He's glad that you feel the same way.
Your Fullness bar will be refilled at the end of this event.

Blue Heart Event

» Chen's house
» Rainy day: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Not Fridays (Chen is closed on Fridays)
» Mark at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Lunch Together"

Mark is visiting with Chen, and comments on how interesting his house looked. Chen explains that he was trading in the east and saw a house that he really liked. He wanted to live in a house like that, and now he does. Mark figures that means that Chen's dream came true. His dream is to become a rancher, although he is still in training. Chen thinks Mark has a fantastic dream.
Chen notices the resident ranching expert has arrived, although you seem confused at his comment. Mark explains that he was just telling Chen about his dream of becoming a rancher.
» That's a great dream! = Positive answer!
You think so too? Chen confirms that Mark's dream is important, and everyone will be cheering for him. Mark thanks the two of you for your words of encouragement.
» That's hard work, not a dream! = Negative answer.
Mark knows the work will be really hard but that's what makes it worth doing. He is disappointed to hear your negative opinion from someone experienced in farming.

Leaving and Staying
Green Heart Event

» The Inn on Verdure Island
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 9:00 am
» Rainy day: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
» Mark at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Dreams"

Inside the Inn, Mark asks if you're here to visit him. He has always moved from place to place so it is rare that he makes any friends. Sometimes Mark avoids people because he knows he'll eventually have to leave. This island is really nice, and he is glad to have met you.
» I want to leave one day. = Negative answer.
Mark doesn't understand why you would want to leave. You have a ranch, so what would happen to the animals and crops if you go away? Ranchers, such as yourself, have responsibilities.
» I hope you don't leave soon. = Positive answer!
Well he doesn't want to leave because he still has a lot to learn. He is a little embarrassed that you worry about him. Mark admits that he has been thinking about staying on the island for good. He hasn't made up his mind yet but hopes you keep coming to visit him.

Out with Mark
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Mark at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Leaving and Staying"

The weather is nice today, so Mark has come over to see if you would like to go outside with him.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
The two of you head to the Meadow Island. Usually Mark only comes to the meadow during festivals, but it's pretty when there's nothing going on too. Mark tells you how amazing he thinks you are. Running a ranch all by yourself is very respectable, even though it is hard work. He expected that you would be tired just from tending the animals and crops, but you still take the time to visit him.
You tell him you visit because he is fun to talk to. Mark gets embarrassed, but thanks you for your comment. He is glad that he came to the island and had the chance to meet you.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.

» Walk into the cabin of Will's boat
» Rainy day: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
» Will at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Will's Troubles"

Will is glad that you have stopped by to visit him on this rainy (or snowy) day, but he was just on his way out the door; Regis had invited Will to his house. Will thinks for a moment and asks if you would like to go with him to the mansion. You are reluctant to intrude, but Will insists that Regis and Sabrina would like to see you too.
» I'll go = Positive answer!
You accompany Will to his uncle's house, where Regis and Sabrina are cooking some food to eat. Regis tells "William" that the food is almost ready, and notices that you've come along with his nephew. He is glad that you've come to eat as well. Sabrina says that her father's soup is really good.
You will return back to your farmhouse when the event is over, and your Fullness bar will be filled.
» I'll pass this time around. = Negative answer.
Will is shocked because he has never been turned down by a maiden before! He must head out to his visit with his uncle and so he leaves you behind.

Will and Arthur
Green Heart Event

» Take Kirk's boat from any island to Verdure Island
» Sunny day: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
» Will at a green heart color or above
» You have seen "Will's Invitation"

As you are exiting the boat, you hear a horse off in the distance. It turns out to be Will, riding his white stallion along the beach. Will dismounts as he rides up to you and introduces you to his horse, Arthur. You and Arthur met once before, when you first met Will. The horse seems happy to see you again.
Will explains that he did originally send Arthur back home after you first met, but then he received a letter from his parents that said Arthur was lonely without him. Will can't go home yet so he had Arthur sent to the island.
» You get along so well! = Positive answer!
The two of them have been together since Will was born, and the two of them have never been apart. Unfortunately Arthur couldn't stay on the island; doing this journey was meaningful because Will was doing it alone. He apologizes to his horse for leaving him behind.
You don't think that's the case at all. It seems Arthur was just worried about Will, and not necessarily lonely. Will is glad that the horse was simply worried, and thanks him for the concern. Will thanks you as well because you were able to understand what Arthur was trying to tell him.
The two of them gallop away so Will can spend some time alone with his horse, telling him stories about his live on the island.
» Sounds like a pain... = Negative answer.
Will doesn't see it that way! He and Arthur have been together since Will was born. Will is annoyed at you, and rides off on his horse.

Out with Will
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Will at a yellow heart color or above
» You have seen "Will and Arthur"

As you go inside your house, Will comes by to check to see if you're home. He wants to hear your voice and invites you to go somewhere.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
Just thinking how you'll spend the day together sends his heart racing. The two of you walk through Verdure Island until you reach the diner. Will has always wanted to go inside, but he didn't want to do it alone. He asks if you would go with him. Of course you will!
Inside the diner, Will comments on how much smaller it is inside than he thought it would be. He had heard that he has to place his own order to get food, and asks you to point him in the right direction. The two of you head over to the counter and Will orders some food.
Back at the table, Will finds his meal to be quite nice. The food is delicious and the spices are
tantalizing, although the most amazing spice is simply being with you.
Will thanks you for going out with him today. You will return to your farm house at 6:00 pm.

Heart Events Pierre

Cooking Research
Purple Heart Event

» Pierre's house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Pierre at a purple heart color or higher

Walk into Pierre's house and you'll find him cooking away. He found some delectable tomatoes and would like to create a new type of tomato dish with them. As you look at the variety of tomato dishes he has laid out on his kitchen counter, he wonders if maybe he made too much. Pierre admits that he has a bad habit of cooking more than he can eat. The chef gets an idea and asks if you would help him eat all of the cooked dishes.
» I'd love to! = Positive answer!
Excellent! Pierre instructs you to have a seat while he brings the food out to you. All of the dishes he has cooked are delicious. Pierre is honored that you enjoy his cooking so much.
» I'm on a diet. = Negative answer.
So he'll have to eat them all by himself after all....

Pierre the Gourmet
Blue Heart Event

» Diner on Verdure Island
» Rainy day: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Pierre at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Cooking Research"

Inside the diner, Pierre is checking out the menu. He explains that the board lists all of the dishes that the owner recommends today, although Pierre has visited enough times that he almost always knows what X is going to recommend.
» That's amazing! = Positive answer!
Oh it's just part of his job as being a gourmet! Pierre says that you can learn a lot about a person from their cooking and what they choose to eat. He then nervously asks what kinds of things do you like to eat, and he says you have outstanding character after you tell him what you like to eat.
Pierre then gets the idea to try and make a dish that fills people with a sense of peace and goodwill. Maybe the world would be a better place if he could cook something like that. What a challenge! Pierre runs off to do some research on the idea that you gave him.
» You must be bored. = Negative answer.
He's not bored! This is fascinating research! Pierre is bothered that you find his interests boring.

The Search for Ingredients!
Green Heart Event

» Walk from Ranch Island to Verdune Island
» Sunny day: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Rainy day: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Sunny day and Mushroom Island unlocked: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Pierre at a green heart color or above
» You have seen "Pierre the Gourmet"

Pierre is leaving his house when he bumps into you walking down the path. He is heading down to the beach to look for fresh ingredients, and asks if you would like to join him.
» I'll go with you! = Positive answer!
The two of you look around the beach. Pierre explains that the ocean is a treasure trove of delectable ingredients such as fish, clams, and seaweed. His mouth waters just thinking of it! The two of you both like spending time at the ocean; you have a lot in common. But your current task is to find ingredients.
You find a variety of items, and Pierre thanks you for the excellent ingredients. He hopes the two of you can do this again sometime soon.
» I don't want to go. = Negative answer.
Nevermind, he'll just go by himself...

Out with Pierre
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Mushroom Island must be unlocked
» Pierre at a yellow heart color or above
» You have seen "The Search for Ingredients!"

The weather is nice today so Pierre has come over to do something.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
Excellent! You head out together but end up at Mushroom Island. Pierre explains there's all sorts of delectable mushrooms growing here. He wants to do some mushroom hunting because he wants to make you a dish with fresh mushrooms.
You find a lot of mushrooms, and Pierre brings out his pocket grill to cook up some of the mushrooms you've found. Yum! Pierre says eating outdoors is nice because the fresh air makes everything taste better. He is really glad that you enjoy his food, and wants to find more mushrooms so the next dish he makes you will taste even better.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm. Your Fullness bar will be refilled.

Heart Events Shea

Is this Sickness?
Purple Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 11:00 am, and 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Shea has at least 2 hearts or more (10,000+ friendship points)

Visit Shea's tent and he wants you to come inside because he has a question he wants to ask. It is the first time that Shea has lived on his own without Wada. He is trying to be a strong warrior, but he feels strange and sad. Shea doesn't understand how he is feeling and asks if you think he is sick.
» You must be lonely. = Positive answer!
Shea doesn't know what "lonely" is so you explain it to him. He is relieved to know that he isn't physically sick, but he still feels sad. He wants you to come visit him so that he can be happy.
» Maybe you are sick... = Negative answer.
Perhaps you're right. Shea realizes that you're too close to him and so you might get sick as well! He demands that you get away from him before you're affected too.

Way of Warrior
Blue Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 8:00 am, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 11:00 am, and 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Shea has at least 4 hearts or more (20,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Is this Sickness?"

The following events must be triggered before all 15 islands are available. Once all of the islands are up, Wada will move to Mushroom Island while he waits for you to raise his Sunny Island. Since he spends most of his time inside of Shea's tent, you won't be able to trigger the blue heart event.
Inside of Shea's tent, he shows you a spear that Wada gave him. Shea doesn't have any problems hunting when using this spear, and reminds you that he is fully aware that your farm animals are not for him to hunt. Wada has taught him well and he respects his foster father.
» I'm not so sure... = Negative answer.
Why don't you trust him? Shea is disappointed.
» I believe you. = Positive answer!
Shea is happy that you believe him. If anything bad ever happens to you, Shea promises to be there for you because it is his goal to protect people who believe him. It is the way of the warrior after all.

Important People
Green Heart Event

» Shea's tent on Mushroom Island
» Wednesday or Thursday, Sunny day: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Wednesday or Thursday, Rainy day: 6:00 am to 8:00 pm
» Shea has at least 6 hearts or more (30,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Way of Warrior"

Wada has come to visit Shea and has brought the little warrior a lot of food. Shea thanks Wada for the food he brought, but Wada just wants to make sure that Shea is happy. Shea insists that he's fine because you have come to see him, and that makes him happy.
Wada thanks you for making his son happy, which confuses Shea. Since Wada is the strongest warrior, he doesn't thank people very often. It must mean that you are very important.
» You're important to me, Shea! = Positive answer!
Is he really someone important to you? Shea is glad, because both you and Wada are important to him and he is important to both of you. Shea does a little dance to celebrate how happy he is.
» Of course Wada likes me more! = Negative answer.
Shea didn't like your comment. He doesn't understand why you would say that, and now he's sad.

Out with Shea
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Shea at 7 hearts or more (40,000+ friendship points)
» You have seen "Important People"

Shea has come over. It's a beautiful day and wants to know if you want to go out and do something.
» I'd love to! = Positive answer!
The two of you head outside, where Shea mentions he doesn't know what a ranch is like. He didn't expect it to be so big, but it looks like fun. Shea asks what the windmill is and is happy watching it. Unfortunately, watching the spinning blades of the windmill seems to get Shea dizzy.
After some rest, Shea thank you for taking care of him. He's never been dizzy before and thinks it was kind of fun. Shea wants to come visit again some day.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.

Heart Events Vaughn

Lending a Hand
Purple Heart Event

» Mirabelle's house
» Monday or Tuesday: 6:00 am to 11:00 am
» Vaughn at a purple heart color or above

Mirabelle and Vaughn are talking inside the shop. Vaughn has finished up his work for the week but before he can leave, Mirabelle asks him for a favor. She says something is bothering the animals and asks Vaughn to go take a look for her. Vaughn doesn't really want to, but agrees to do it anyway.
As you walk into the shop, Mirabelle asks if you would help Vaughn out. The cowboy rejects the idea and says he works alone, but Mirabelle insists because she knows Vaughn is very busy.
» I'll help out. = Positive answer!
Vaughn is annoyed that you're tagging along, reminds you not to get in his way, and the two of you leave the shop. When you're finished, you return to the shop together. Vaughn recognizes that your assistance helped to speed up finishing the chore, although he doesn't thank you for it.
» I'm busy, so not now. = Negative answer.
Vaughn can handle the chore by himself anyway, and leaves to go check on the animals.

Unprofitable Work
Blue Heart Event

» Sprout Island's cafe
» Monday or Tuesday, Sunny day: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Monday or Tuesday, Rainy day: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Vaughn at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Lending a Hand"

Inside the cafe, there is a conflict between Denny and Vaughn! Denny is incredibly angry at the cowboy because he had insulted Denny's fishing livelyhood. Denny argues that fishing is in his blood and he doesn't care if he makes any money but it is like talking to a wall; it's clear to Denny that Vaughn doesn't get it.
After Denny walks off, Vaughn explains that he wasn't making fun of the fisherman. He just finds it odd that he works so hard at a job that doesn't pay well. He doesn't know what to say in return.
» Say you're sorry! = Positive answer!
You're right. Vaughn walks over to Denny and apologizes. He didn't mean to insult Denny's work. Instead, he thought it was amazing how much Denny likes his job and how hard he works at it. Denny can't stay mad at Vaughn now that he's put it that way, and apologizes in return for loosing his cool. The two guys decide to "pig out" together at the cafe.
» He has a point... = Negative answer.
Vaughn argues that he didn't do anything wrong. It's Denny's fault for not letting Vaughn finish.

Cute Nickname
Green Heart Event

» Walk from Verdune Island to Sprout Island
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Vaughn at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Unprofitable Worker"

While walking down the path you'll bump into Vaughn. He has finished his work for the day and is out enjoying a walk. Lanna will then walk up to the two of you and call out for "Vaughnie". Vaughn is not happy about his Lanna-given pet name, and tells her to not call him that.
But, Vaughnie is so dreamy! Lanna asks if you think so too.
» Yep! So dreamy! = Negative answer.
Vaughn insists that he is not dreamy. He's so annoyed that he tells you never to talk to him again.
» Don't talk to him like that. = Positive answer!
Lanna still thinks he's dreamy, but she can take a hint and storms off. After she leaves, Vaughn thanks you. He isn't really a people-person so he can't just yell at her. He really doesn't like the nickname she calls him.

Out with Vaughn
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Monday or Tuesday, Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Vaughn at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Cute Nickname"

Vaughn has come by to see if you want to go somewhere.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
The two of you end up at the beach. Vaughn asks how your ranch is going, as you always seem busy. He thinks you're pretty cool because you handle things all by yourself. He respects you for it, just as much as you respect him. It is the first time that anyone has told Vaughn that he is respected. He blushes and thanks you.

Heart Events Chelsea

Delicious Meal
Purple Heart Event

Chelsea purple heart event » The diner on Verdure Island
» Sunny or Cloudy day: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
» Friday, Rainy day: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Chelsea at a purple heart color or higher

Chelsea is at the diner having a meal. The food at the diner is great, and she asks if you would like to eat together.
» Eat together = Positive answer!
Chelsea mentions that she eats alone a lot and gets lonely. Food tastes better when she's with someone. She thanks you for eating with her.
» Pass = Negative answer.
Chelsea is disappointed. It's too bad you don't want to eat with her.

Chelsea the Merchant
Blue Heart Event

Chelsea blue heart event » Chen's shop
» Rainy day: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Not Fridays
» Chelsea at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Delicious Meal"

Chelsea is at Chen's shop. He has so many goods that it's fun for her to just come by and look. Chen is pleased that she likes all of his products because he's spent a long time hand selecting all of his items. Chelsea figures it must be fun to run a store, and she might like to try it some day.
» But aren't you a rancher? = Negative answer.
Of course she's a rancher! You've hurt her feelings and she calls you "mean."
» That does sound fun! = Positive answer!
Chen offers to let Chelsea run the store. He figures she would get a lot of customers. She declines his offer for the moment, but maybe once she achieves her dream of being a rancher.

A Place to Call Home?
Green Heart Event

Chelsea green heart event » The inn on Sprout Island
» 6:00 am to 9:00 am, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Chelsea at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Chelsea the Merchant"

Chelsea was just going to have some tea and invites you to join her. She thinks your visit is a nice surprise, because when she first started living on the island everyone was such a stranger to her. Chelsea is glad to have a friend who will come to visit her. She has travelled all over and the island is her favorite place.
» You should stay here. = Positive answer!
She really would like to stay, since she loves the island and its inhabitants. As long as you are around, Chelsea never wants to leave the island.
» I want to leave one day. = Negative answer.
Chelsea is shocked that you would want to leave. She figured you cherished these islands.

Out with Chelsea
Yellow Heart Event

Chelsea yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Chelsea at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "A Place to Call Home?"

The weather is nice today so Chelsea has stopped by to see if you wanted to go out for a walk.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
Both of you decide to go walking around the meadow. Chelsea mentions how the meadow is lively and fun during festivals, but it is also peaceful and beautiful when its empty. She also mentions that she heard the island became more productive after you arrived. Chelsea dreams of running her own ranch some day, but she wants it to be as loved by everyone as your's. She is happy to hear that you think she can do it. Chelsea then asks you to chat with her a bit longer, and asks you to tell her about your ranch and yourself.

Friendship Events Alisa

Divine Alisa
Purple Heart Event

Alisa purple heart event » The church on Mystic Islands
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
» Alisa at 3 hearts (15,000 FP) or higher
» Harvest Goddess at 3 hearts (15,000 FP) or higher

Walk into the church and Alisa is happy to see you. Alisa had been admiring the statue of the Harvest Goddess and asks if you think the goddess is wonderful.
» Yes, she really is. = Neutral answer.
Alisa is glad to know that the goddess has touched your life as well. She says that Nathan has even met the Harvest Goddess, and hopes that you will be fortunate enough to met her one day too.
» You're wonderful too, Alisa = Positive answer!
Alisa is flustered by your remark. No one has ever said anything like that before to her! She tells you that she lost her parents when she was very young and the church took her in. Most of her life has been spent with the church so she doesn't get to talk to people her own age very often. She thanks you for your kind words and hopes that you will come by again so the two of you can talk.

A Rancher's Life
Blue Heart Event

Alisa blue heart event » The church on Mystic Islands
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
» Alisa at 6 hearts (35,000 FP) or higher
» Harvest Goddess at 6 hearts (35,000 FP) or higher

Alisa is good to see you again, and she explains that things are going well with the church. She asks how your ranch is doing. Alisa likes to hear about your farm because she's only ever worked at the church. She likes the idea of a job where you raise and take care of living things. She figures it is hard work but must be rewarding.
» Yes, it's very rewarding. = Positive answer!
Alisa is happy to hear that you think it is rewarding. She tells you that she use to grow flowers in the church's garden, and seeing them grow because she watered them would give her a feeling of satisfaction. Alisa figures it made her feel needed, although she admits she usually doesn't feel like she is.
You remind her that she is needed, and that makes her very happy (and just a little bit embarrassed).
» Yeah, but it's really tiring. = Negative answer.
Is that how you really feel about it? Alisa is disappointed to hear that, and had assumed you liked being a rancher.

Alisa and the Harvest Goddess
Orange Heart Event

Alisa orange heart event » The church on Mystic Islands
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
» Alisa at 9 hearts (55,000 FP) or higher
» Harvest Goddess at 9 hearts (55,000 FP) or higher

Alisa is glad to see you, and suggests the two of you go outside for a walk.
» Let's go! = Positive answer!
You head out to the Goddess' Pond. Alisa notices how clear the sky is, just like an endless pool. She tells you that there is a rumor that the Harvest Goddess lives in the spring by the church, but you already knew that.
Alisa is shocked to hear that you have met the Harvest Goddess before! She thinks you are really lucky since she's never seen the goddess. Alisa doesn't feel that she is worthy to see the Harvest Goddess but hopes one day that she will be.
You toss a Strawberry into the pond to summon the Harvest Goddess, who naturally appears and thanks you for her favorite fruit. Alisa is surprised to see the goddess! Harvest Goddess mentions how she has noticed that Alisa hangs around the spring a lot. Alisa is incredibly happy that the goddess has noticed her but now doesn't know what to do! First, she calms down, musters up some courage, and politely asks the goddess if she can ask a question. Unfortunately the only thing she can think of to ask is if the Harvest Goddess likes ice cream!
It is an odd question, but Goddess tells her that she prefers strawberries. Alisa is glad to know that the goddess likes strawberries just like her. Harvest Goddess doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, but is glad to be of some help. She then fades away.
Alisa finally has fulfilled her dream of speaking with the Harvest Goddess. She had no idea that you knew the goddess so well. Alisa thanks you for helping her met the Harvest Goddess.
» No thanks. = Negative answer.

Heart Events Julia

Julia's Home Cooking
Purple Heart Event

Julia purple heart event » Mirabelle's house
» Sunny day: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 12:00 pm
» Julia at a purple heart color or higher

Julia is busy cooking in the kitchen. Her mom is busy today so Julia decided to do the cooking for her. Julia is short on time and hopes she can finish before her mom returns home.
» I'm sure you'll be fine. = Negative answer.
Your comment wasn't very suitable. Julia is busy and doesn't have the free time to talk to you. She kicks you out of the house.
» Let me help! = Positive answer!
Julia would love for you to give her a hand with the cooking. The two of you get ready for Mirabelle to return.
When Mirabelle returns home, she noticed the smell of cooking. Knowing that her daughter can't cook, she asks if Julia had made the curry rice. Mirabelle was glad to hear that you helped and Julia didn't cook it by herself!
At the end of the event your Fullness will be restored.

Blue Heart Event

Julia blue heart event » Mirabelle's house
» Sunny day: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Not Saturday
» Julia at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Julia's Home Cooking"

Julia thinks she heard something, but maybe it was her imagination. She asks if you heard something crying on your way in. Mirabelle says they went out to investigate but they didn't see anything. Julia wants to go back outside to check for a fourth time. Mirabelle thinks it was probably just the wind. Julia asks if you would go out and look with her.
» Of course! = Positive answer!
Julia tells her mom that this is the last time she's going to spend the time looking for the crying noise, and she promises to give up if she doesn't find anything outside.
The two of you go outside and suddenly you do hear an animal crying out! Julia wasn't imagining the noise she heard. You find an wounded dog and bring it back inside the shop, where Mirabelle and Julia say it will be fine with just a little rest. Julia thanks you for helping, since if you hadn't she probably would of given up locating the sound of the strange noise.
» It's just your imagination. = Negative answer.
Julia is mad that even you don't believe her.

My Purpose
Green Heart Event

Julia green heart event » Walk from Sprout Island to Verdure Island
» Sunny day: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
» Julia at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Voices"

Julia seems to be looking out into the distance and pondering something. Julia explains that she was just thinking if she can go on like this; Vaughn does transporting and Natalie does shipping. Everything seems to have their own thing to do except for her.
» I guess so... = Negative answer.
It seems you have the same thoughts as she does. Julia doesn't know what to do, so she asks to be left alone to do some more thinking.
» That's not true. = Positive answer!
You remind her that she does have her work at the animal shop. Even though it is her mom's store, and she's just helping out the family, her mom would have to do it all alone if she wasn't there to help her. Julia can't abandon her mom to do something else. She feels better and guesses that she has just lost her confidence. Julia thanks you for listening.

Out with Julia
Yellow Heart Event

Julia yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Julia at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "My Purpose"

It's a nice day today so Julia has come over to see if you want to go somewhere.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
You and Julia head out and stop at the beach. The breeze is nice! Julia tells you that she's glad that you've come to the island, since it was really tough without anyone living on Ranch Island. The islands are thriving because of you and everyone is really greatful.
You tell her that it is actually thanks to them that you are able to keep up the ranch. Julia is flattered that you think that way.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.

Heart Events Lanna

For Tomorrow
Purple Heart Event

Lanna purple heart event » Lanna's house
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Lanna at a purple heart color or higher

Lanna calls you over as you walk into her house. She is deciding which fishing rod she wants, so she can set it aside and grab it as soon as the weather gets nice. Lanna is having a hard time deciding, so she asks you to do it for her.
» This one? = Positive answer!
Well, it turns out you picked the same one that she was going to pick. Maybe you two really are alike! She will use your chosen fishing pole tomorrow.
» This feels kind of silly... = Negative answer.
That wasn't very nice!

Lanna the Pop Star
Blue Heart Event

Lanna blue heart event » Sprout Island's cafe
» Sunny day: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
» Rainy day: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
» Lanna at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "For Tomorrow"

Inside the cafe, Pierre and Lanna are talking. The gourmet asks why she has stopped being a pop star, but Lanna argues that she is merely taking a break. Pierre doesn't understand why she would want to take a career break when she seems to have it all. Lanna explains that at first she was really popular. Her first single sold well and even became a theme song for a movie, but her follow up singles didn't sell as well. Suddenly Lanna found herself no longer a star. She doesn't understand why because she tried so hard. Pierre appologizes for bringing up such a hard subject.
» It just wasn't meant to be... = Negative answer.
Are you saying she was never meant to be a pop star? Lanna's rage grows large enough that she announces that she hates you.
» Try for a comeback! = Positive answer!
Lanna thinks you have a great idea! She'll just have to try even harder with her singing, and show everyone the new and improved Lanna. She thanks you for your support.

Lanna's Song
Green Heart Event

Lanna green heart event » Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Sunny day: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Lanna at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Lanna the Pop Star"

By the inn, Lanna is working on her singing. She wants to get better, and suddenly has the idea to ask you to sing with her. Lanna rarely gets a chance to sing with anyone.
» Okay, let's sing! = Positive answer!
The two of you do some singing together. When you're finished, Lanna says that she loved singing with you. She hopes that you'll sing with her again sometime.
» I'm too embarrassed... = Negative answer.
Lanna is annoyed that you don't want to sing with her. She is busy practicing and asks you to leave.

Out with Lanna
Yellow Heart Event

Lanna yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Lanna at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Lanna's Song"

Lanna has come by to see if you want to go do something. The weather is really nice out today.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
As the two of you walk through Verdune Island, Lanna stops and asks if you know the legend of the well they are walking by. She explains the water in the well is said to never dry up, and if two people in love drink from the well they will life happily ever after. Lanna hopes to drink from the well with someone someday.
You would like to try it someday too. Lanna didn't think you would believe in such things, and asks if you had anyone in mind you'd like to drink from the well with. You would like to drink with Lanna of course. She blushes and assumes you're just saying that to flatter her, but thanks you for your kind words.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.

Heart Events Lily

Lily the Treasure Hunter
Purple Heart Event

Lily purple heart event » Volcano Island
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Lily at a purple heart color or higher

Lily is looking around the island for treasure again, and asks if you can help her today. She thinks you could be useful.
» Help Out = Positive answer!
The two of you go into the mine to look around. Lily tells you she thinks that the lava in the mine is amazing. Not everyone gets to see it up close. Lily is glad to know that you feel the same way.
When the two of you exit the mine, Lily thanks you for the help. She was able to collect a lot of ore because of you. She hopes that you'll help her again some day.
» Go Home = Negative answer.
You turn to leave, and Lily threatingly asks why you are not going to help her. As you run off in fear, she shouts at you that you'll regret this later.

The Smell of Treasure
Blue Heart Event

Lily blue heart event » Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Rainy day: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Lily at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Lily the Treasure Hunter"

Lily appears to be very interested in the large rock by Gannon's shop. She is glad that you have stopped by because she wants to ask a question.
» Listen = Positive answer!
Lily asks a lot of questions about the rock. Maybe it is hiding something? She finds it strange that this giant rock is just sitting here by the shore. Her treasure hunter's intuition tells her that there's something about this rock.
You explain that the only thing this rock is for is to gather seaweed. Lily is a little disappointed that her intuition was wrong. She admits that everyone has off-days and she shouldn't let it bother her.
» Don't Listen = Negative answer.
Lily is annoyed that you are ignoring her. She chases you away.

Journey Partner
Green Heart Event

Lily green heart event » Lily's room at the inn
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
» Rainy day: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Lily at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "The Smell of Treasure"

Lily is busy organizing and cleaning her belongings. You inquire about the stuffed panda bear that she has in her room, so Lily tells you the bear is hear traveling companion.
» Yep, it's weird. = Negative answer.
You've insulted her honor. Lily asks you to leave.
» It must be important to you. = Positive answer!
It is Lily's most precious possession because it saved her life! She explains a long time ago she was treasure hunting in a cave when the whole place caved in on her. Lily didn't have any time to run! Suddenly out of no where, the stuffed bear fell down onto her head and cushioned her from the debries. It's a mystery what a stuffed panda was doing in the cavern but she doesn't want to question fate. The panda has been her traveling companion ever since.
Telling you this story indicates that Lily has trust with you. She expects that you won't tell anyone else.

Out with Lily
Yellow Heart Event

Lily yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Lily at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Journey Partner"

Lily is pleased with today's weather and wants to go adventuring with you.
» Sure! = Positive answer!!
You and Lily head out to Mystic Islands, a place she hasn't been to before. She finds the "indigenous house of worship" (the church) and wants to go inside.
Lily finds the Harvest Goddess shrine at the front of the church and asks you about it. She says the Goddess statue is beautiful, and ponders about being rich if she had the statue. Of course she wouldn't do that though!
Lily hopes that the Harvest Goddess will grant her wish; she hopes that the day will last longer so that she can spend the time talking to you. It won't happen of course, but Lily thinks it would be nice. The two of you will just have to make the most of the day that you do have.

Heart Events Natalie

Natalie's Prank
Purple Heart Event

Natalie purple heart event » Taro's house
» 6:00 am to 9:00 am
» 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Natalie at a purple heart color or higher

Taro has told Natalie that she has to organize the books in the house because he doesn't like how she puts the books where ever she wants. Natalie is annoyed because he yelled at her for it when she argues that he does the exact same thing! So in revenge, Natalie is going to organize the books to be upside down. She asks if you want to help her out.
» Help out. = Positive answer!
Great! After the two of you flip all of the books to display their titles upside down and then leave, Taro walks up to the bookshelf to check on Natalie's work. Since all of the book bindings are now upside down, he doesn't recognize any of the book titles anymore.
» No. Taro will get mad. = Negative answer.
Natalie isn't afraid of her grandpa, since a little prank like this won't make him mad. She figures you just aren't any fun.

One Inch
Blue Heart Event

Natalie blue heart event » Walk from Ranch Island to Verdure Island
» Sunny day: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
» Natalie at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Natalie's Prank"

Outside of their house, Natalie mentions "just 1 more inch" to Elliot, who is a little confused as to what she is talking about. It turns out that "1 inch" is how much taller Natalie needs to grow before she'll be taller than her big brother. Elliot isn't happy knowing that fact. Natalie calls him scrawny and teases him about being afraid of milk. As you walk up to the siblings, Natalie asks if you think she can grow taller than her brother.
» I like shorter girls anyway. = Negative answer.
So you think she should stay short just because that's something you like? Natalie didn't like that answer and calls you a jerk. After she leaves, Elliot appologizes for his sister's behavior.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
Elliot isn't happy that you've taken Natalie's side, even though Natalie reminds him that you naturally did because her's is the winning side. She continues to tease him about not drinking milk until Elliot leaves.
Natalie explains the only way to get Elliot to drink milk is to tease him, because he needs to drink it for his health.

Natalie's Type?
Green Heart Event

Natalie green heart event » Mirabelle's house
» Rain day: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
» Natalie at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "One Inch"

Julia and Natalie are at the table discussing what kind of boys they like. Julia was mentioning how she looks for a kind heart when you walk in. It's Natalie's turn to say what kind of boy she likes, but Natalie looks nervous.
» Listen carefully. = Positive answer!
You try to listen in, but Natalie accouses you of eavesdropping. This is girl talk! Julia gets the hint and doesn't pressure Natalie to say what kind of guy she likes, but now Natalie thinks she's implying something she's not ready to admit to. Natalie requests that they talk about something else.
» I'm not interested at all. = Negative answer.
You start to walk away but Natalie scolds you. Are they really that boring that you can't sit still? It doesn't seem like Natalie is going to say what kind of boy she likes. Julia tries to break up the awkward silence by offering Natalie some more tea.

A Date with Natalie
Yellow Heart Event

Natalie yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Natalie at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Natalie's Type?"

Today is a nice day, so Natalie has come over to see if you want to go for a walk with her.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
The two of you walk past the Cafe, and Natalie suggests that you go in together for some tea. Natalie is glad to have a chance to sit down and take a break. She figures that ranching might be difficult too, since you have get all of the plants to grow. You tell her it's not hard at all. Natalie has never even grown a flower. She is amazed how you can raise all of the different crops.
You suggest that she try to grow something. Natalie figures that the plants would probably die in an hour, but you give her some encouragement. Natalie figures that it's worth a shot; what's the worse that can happen? She's going to go buy some plant seeds tomorrow. Natalie thanks you for going out with her today.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.


Purple Heart Event

Sabrina purple heart event » Regis' house
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» rainy day: 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» If Mythic Islands raised, Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Sabrina at a purple heart color or above

As you walk into the mansion's library, Sabria seems to be busy looking for some books. She explains that her father asked her to check on something but there are too many books for her to find where anything is.
» Good luck! = Negative answer.
Her dad will probably be mad if she doesn't finish today. She has to get back to work.
» Do you want me to help? = Positive answer!
She feels bad for asking you for help, but if you insist then she'll just have to accept your kind offer. Sabrina asks you to help her find the book titled Path To Ores. The two of you keep looking until you locate the book in the far back of the library. Sabrina is really glad you were able to find it so quickly, and now she can finish her work.

Sabrina in Distress
Blue Heart Event

Sabrina blue heart event » Regis' house
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» rainy day: 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» If Mythic Islands raised, Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
» Sabrina at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Research"

You hear a lot of ruckus coming from upstairs in inside the mansion, where Eliza and Charlie seem to be running wild. Poor Sabrina looks annoyed at the roudy children. She explains that the kids had asked if they could explore in the large house, and Sabrina told them to stop by at any time. Now she has these two kids running around the house playing tag. Sabrina admits that this is her fault since she invited the kids over, but she hopes they don't break anything.
» Warn the two of them. = Positive answer!
You talk to the two kids, who realize that they're making things hard for Sabrina. They appologize for getting out of hand. Sabrina suggests that they all play a board game called "Murrey's Adventure"; her dad bought it the other day. The kids are interested in playing the new board game.
» Don't do anything = Negative answer.
If she had known it was going to be like this, she wouldn't of offered to let them come over. Sabrina asks that you please leave.

Mirage at Sea
Green Heart Event

Sabrina green heart event » Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
» Sunny day, Mystic Islands raised: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Sabrina at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "Sabrina in Distress"

Sabrina is on the beach looking out into the sea. She tells you to take a look as well, because there's an island floating above it! Sabrina explains that it is a mirage and the island really isn't there.
» Oh, wow...! = Positive answer!
Mirages are quite rare. Sabrina thinks the mirage indicates that this day will be wonderful. She secretly is glad that she was able to see it with you.
» Oh, it was just an illiusion... = Negative answer.
She suppose it is, but you didn't have to be so blunt. Sabrina sadly excuses herself and walks away.

Out with Sabrina
Yellow Heart Event

Sabrina yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Sabrina at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Mirage at Sea"

The weather is nice outside today, so Sabrina is wondering if you would like to go out.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
The two of you go to explore Volcano Island. Sabrina is excited to see lava up close but then becomes strangly quiet. She explains that her father told her not to go to Volcano Island because he felt it was too dangerous for her. If it is so dangerous, then why does her father and you get to go to the island? Sabrina feels excluded.
She realizes that the island isn't safe but she doesn't want to be left out. Sabrina figures she will be all right if she is here with you. She plans on telling her father how wonderful she found this place to be.
The event ends back at your farm house at 6:00 pm.

Heart Events Witch

Magic Book
Purple Heart Event

Witch Princess purple heart event » Witch's house
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Witch Princess has 2 hearts (10,000 FP) or higher

Witch was about to cast a spell because she though the person who entered her house was Witchkins, but it turns out to be you instead. She notices you looking around the large number of books she has, and explains they are all her books on magic. It's only half of her collection though! The other half are in a house on a deserted island called Sunny Island. It seems most of her magic books have something to do with bears in the title.
» Sounds like fun! = Positive answer!
Maybe Witch will show you some magic later.
» What's with all the bears? = Negative answer.
All of Witch's books are great in her opinion. You must just not understand.

Magic Potion
Blue Heart Event

Witch Princess blue heart event » Witch's house
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Witch Princess at 4 hearts (20,000 FP) or higher
» You have seen "Magic Book"

As you enter the Witch's house, you quietly sneak around as to not get attacked like the last time you visited. Witch says that you don't have to be nervous today because she's already took care of the brat, Witchkins, today. Witch explains she was going to make a new potion, but there's so many and she doesn't know which one to try out. Her most interesting one was the potion that would turn you pink all over!
» Keep listening. = Positive answer!
Witch continues on about the pink potion until she finally gets the idea to make a potion that will turn a person into the color of mulberry. She thanks you for the idea.
» Don't listen to the rest. = Negative answer.
You start pacing around, which annoys Witch. It isn't nice to wander around when someone is talking!

Witch and Wolf
Green Heart Event

Witch Princess green heart event » Witch's house
» Rainy day: 6:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Witch Princess at 5 hearts (30,000 FP) or higher
» You have seen "Magic Potion"

Inside her house, Witch is chuckling to herself about never forgetting the look on that wolf's face. When you ask who she is talking to, she explains that she is talking to all of her bears! Witch was telling them a story from a long time ago; there was a wolf who tried to trick her into getting lost in the forest by giving her bad directions. Unknown to the wolf, Witch was the one who created the forest using her magic so she knew the wolf was lying. Since the wolf was such a nuisance she had turned him into a worm!
» He got what he deserved! = Positive answer!
The wolf had been playing a lot of tricks on a nearby village too. How dare the wolf try to play a trick on someone like the Witch! She thanks you for listening to her because it has been a long time since she's had a chance to talk about her past.
» That was going too far... = Negative answer.
Witch is disappointed that you're taking the wolf's side. She is more than willing to fight it out with you, so you run out of the house.

Out with W. Princess
Yellow Heart Event

Witch Princess yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Rainy day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Witch Princess at 7 hearts (40,000 FP) or higher
» You have seen "Witch and Wolf"

What a nice and rainy day! Witch has come by so that you can take her somewhere.
Go out = Positive answer!
You end up taking Witch to Mushroom Island. She is rather disappointed at your choice of outing. The place looks so boring and there's nothing here! You show her the giant mushrooms living in the middle of the island and she has never seen mushrooms like these before. Witch ponders if being underwater allowed the mushrooms to mutate and grow so big. She asks if you would help her take one of the large mushrooms to her home. You refuse and tell her it is impossible.
Witch figured there wasn't anything you couldn't do, although on second thought she probably doesn't have room in her house for the large mushroom anyway. She thanks you for bringing her to the Mushroom Island.