Identitas warga harvest moon BTN:
Ultah : Fall 23
Kesukaan : Apple, Egg, Flour, Honey, Oil, Strawberry, Sweet Potato
Dia adalah istri Basil dan juga Ibu dari Mary. Dia juga suka bergosip di Rose Square dengan Manna dan Sasha pada jam 02.00pm
Ultah : Spring 17
Kesukaan : Miso Soup, Rice Balls, Rice Cake, Scrambled Eggs, Spa Boiled Egg,
Dia adalah pemilik Yodel Farm. Dia tinggal bersama cucunya May
Ultah : Summer 11
Kesukaan : colored Grass, Mushroom, Poison Mushroom, Tomato Juice, Wild Grape
.Dia adalah Peneliti Alam. Dia menulis buku tentang bunga dan tumbuhan yg pernah dia temukan
Birthday: Fall 20
Likes: Curry, Egg, Flour, Fish, Milk, Oil, Turnips
Mineral Town's Pastor. He opens a confession booth on Monday, Wednesday, and rainy days.
Birthday: Winter 11
Likes: Apple, Honey, Fish, Milk, Vegetables
Owner of the Inn. He spends all of his time managing his small hotel with his daughter Ann.
Birthday: Winter 15
Likes: Bread, Cheese, Cucumber, Eggplant, Sashimi, Wine
Married to Manna, and owner of the Aja Winery. His wife feels he drinks too much alchohol.
Birthday: Winter 13
Likes: Carrot, Flour, Milk, Pumpkin, Rice Cake, Spa Boiled Egg
She takes care of Elli and Stu. A sickness has caused her to loose her ability to walk.
Birthday: Fall 02
Likes: Apple, Cheese, Egg, Flour, Honey, Oil, Onion, Potato
He will upgrade your farm buildings. His wife and daughter passed away during a bad storm on the Mountain.
Birthday: Summer 04
Likes: Accessories, Energy Drink, Small Fish, Spa Boiled Egg, Wild Grape Juice
The Mayor's son and the local police officer. He makes sure the town stays safe.
Birthday: Winter 29
Likes: Blue Grass, Blue Magic Grass, Corn Flakes, Fruit Juice, Honey
Owner of the General Store. He has a stomach ailment that he uses to his advantage.
Birthday: Spring 19
Likes: Apple, Carrot, Honey, Milk, Strawberry, Tomato
Runs the Poultry Farm. Her husband is searching the world for medicine to help her feel better.
Birthday: Fall 11
Likes: Bamboo Shoots, Fish, Honey, Milk, Mushroom, Pinkcat Flower
She is married to Duke and manages the Winery's store. Her daughter moved away and she misses her greatly.
Birthday: Winter 26
Likes: Apple, Fruit Juice, Honey, Pineapple, Rubber Boot, Toy Flower
Her grandfather is Barley. She likes to play with Stu and Carter outside the Church.
Birthday: Spring 11
Likes: Adamantite, Bamboo Shoots, Large Fish, Miso Soup, Mistril, Turnip
The town's Blacksmith. His grandson Gray is currently his apprentace.
Birthday: Spring 30
Likes: Accessories, Chocolate, Cookies, Flowers, Honey
Karen's mother and married to Jeff. She typically gets her way when requesting something from her husband.
Birthday: Fall 05
Likes: Chocolate, Honey, Sandwitch, Wild Grape, Yarn
He is Elli's younger brother. The two of them were raised by grandma Ellen when their parents passed away.
Birthday: Summer 25
Likes: Accessories, Jam Bun, Soba Noodles, Wild Grape Juice, Wine
The Mayor of the town. He introduces you to your farm at the beginning of the game.
Birthday: Summer 29
Likes: Apple, Cheese, Cucumber, Strawberry, Tomato, Wine
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